Dear: I want to get the intermedia represeative of the code of language C for my later static analysis. I want to build the front and middle end separately from the whole so that the function is embeded into my application. I want to retain the structure of passes of GCC(4.3) but SSA,RTL and related optimization passes. I have read some documents of Gcc internals but nor understand all. I am novice to programming tools of GNU. Could you please give me some guidance? *Maybe there are some flags to set to sovle the problem, but I simply don't konw, please tell me. *Maybe I should rewrite the in $(GCCSource)/gcc/, but I am fuzzy at the detailed files corresponding to the front end and the specific middle end only including the pass manager but the related RTL or optimization passes. There are something obscure to me: How is the $(GCCSource)/gcc/ generated? In my learning, there should be but none~. Is there some older version Gcc fittable for my need? I find the cc1 of Gcc 3.X in Code::Block is just 31K, but the cc1 I build in GCC 4.3 is 21MB. Maybe the update of 3.X to 4.3 is useless to me, Could please give some hints to me on how to choose a proper version? My team has write a front end of C compiler but there are too bus to debug, so I want to make full use of the front end and middle end represeative of Gcc to substitute our older front end. Yours sincerely PANG Long A student on static code analysis Thanks a lot for ur help!