Hello, I have a newbie question about gcov and SMP support in gcov. I am trying to measure the coverage information of a multi-threaded application running on an SMP platform. I compiled the image with "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" and linked with -lgcov. All optimizations were turned off. When the coverage was observed, some of the counters were wrong. Sure enough, in the disassembly output, the incrementing of the gcov related variables was not atomic. Searching gcc manuals for further info on gcov did not yield any information. The documentation on SMP and gcov support is rather sparse. - Does gcc-4.2 support atomic_increment of the gcov related information? - If so, is there another option that needs to be specified along with "gcc" - Does gcc-4.3.1 support atomic_increment of gcov counters natively(i.e, without further flags)? I appreciate your help in advance. Please excuse if this is already mentioned in documentation. Thank you, Ram