Hi, The following instructions of Renesas H8SX targets are not implemented in H8300 port, 1.Arithmetic instructions such as ADDS, SUBS, INC and DEC. 2.Arithmetic instructions that include operations on FLAG register such as ADDX and SUBX. 3.Logical instructions that include operations on FLAG register such as ANDC, ORC and XORC. 4.Bit instructions that include operations on Carry flag such as BIAND, BIOR, BIXOR, BILD and BIST. 5.Branch instruction BSR and its conditional types BSR/BC and BSR/BS. 6.LDC - Load to Control Register. Does anybody know the reason behind not implementing these instructions for H8SX targets? Regards, Deepen Mantri KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd, Pune