On Nov 22, 2007 12:54 PM, D'arito <espasapalau@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > HI Folks, > I need to "undergrade" my gcc version that comes with openSuse 10.2 . Well > the default version is gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux). I tried to install gcc-3.3.3 with gcc-4.3 and had the same error you did, and that reinforces my first thought: My first thought is that gcc-3.3.3 is VERY old (especially for C++) and you are probably trying to deal with old, non-standard code that need fixing (including gcc-3.3.3). I've run into the same kinds of problems with old C and FORTRAN code and eventually had to bite the bullet:: fix the old code and bring it into the 21st century. It sounds like you're fortunate enough to at least have the original source code, so you can fix it. But as a last resort, try to find old 3.3.3 binaries, perhaps even making a clean installation of Fedora Core 2 (or whichever old FC had 3.3.3 as the default gcc). LOL. BTW, I think your "mentor" is not keeping up with the times. -Tom Tom Browder Niceville, Florida USA