Humpolicek, Jiri - Acision wrote:
I have, from my point of view, strange problem. I want to tell gcc to report all compilation warnings, especially warnings about assigment from variable of greater type to variable with smaller type. For example, when I write following code and compile it with next command no warning is reported:
c++ -o test test.cpp -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -pedantic
#include "stdio.h"
int main()
long a = 10000;
unsigned char b = a;
printf("%d\n", b);
return b;
The problem is that's not an error or problem as far as the C standard
[and C++] goes. So a warning for that while valid, would probably be
out of line.
My recommendation is to simply not assign across types unless you have
to. If you have a function like
void myfunc(unsigned long somevalue)
Then never store somevalue in anything but an unsigned long unless
you're sure of what you are doing. Why would you write
char careless = somevalue;
just for the hell of it?