On 8/5/07 9:58 AM, ranjith kumar wrote: > The SSA names are represented as i.xyz_abc... > For example D.2204_50 > What is the singnificanse of 2204 and 50? The symbol D.2204 is a temporary created by the compiler. The number 2204 is just the unique ID given to the symbol. > What information can we get from that variable name? Nothing other than it's a compiler temporary. > Also let b[50] be an int array declared in a .c > program. > In PHI nodes it is referred as b_6. Yes, because 'b' is a memory variable and so, it's not put into the regular SSA form. For memory symbols (array, pointers, global variables) GCC uses a form known as Virtual SSA form. Essentially, references to any member of array 'b' is considered a reference to all of 'b'. You will see those if you dump the IL using the '-vops' suffix to -fdump-tree-.... (e.g., -fdump-tree-all-vops). > Where can I found more information about gcc's SSA > repesentaion?? There are various presentations, papers and tutorials describing the internal workings of GCC. Check the Getting Started section of the GCC wiki: http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GettingStarted