Hello, I try to build gcc (both 3.2.3 and 4.1.0 versions) on some AMD Opterons running Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 3 and 4. I end up with a compiler which accepts both -m32 and -m64 options to support the generation of 32-bit and 64-bit code but unfortunately the headers do not support 32-bit. The native gcc compiler on those systems has both subdirectories i386-redhat-linux and x86_64-redhat-linux under /usr/include/c++/<version> which e.g. contain architecture-specific definitions such as the size of a long int. The headers generated during the build only contain the x86_64-directory. As a consequence when compiling 32-bit code one gets the wrong data sizes. Can someone tell me how to obtain a correct 32-bit installation on the x86_64- architecture. Do I need some special configure-option? Thanks for any suggestions. Michael