Compiling using gcc 3.4.6 on Solaris 10 with the following command line options: -ansi -Wall -g -DAUX -D_SYSV_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_AUX_SOURCE -DNOSTDHDRS -DSUN I am getting the following error: "'va_start' used in function with fixed args" Can anyone help me with this? Example: void do_remarks_process( id, sec_str, va_alist ) int id; char *sec_str; char *va_alist; { static char label_str[] = {"LABEL/"}; static char labelid_str[] = {"LABELID/"}; char *ptr = label_str; va_list set_args; if ( id ) ptr = labelid_str; if ( ok_to_process_msg && ok_to_process_uic && (!ok_to_process_rmk) && (!secur_sclass_flag) ) if ( strncmp(message_record[l_indx+1]+HEAD_LEN, ptr, strlen(ptr)) == 0 ) new_error("LABEL", 40); while ( strncmp(message_record[l_indx+1]+HEAD_LEN, ptr, strlen(ptr)) == 0 ) { l_indx++; va_start(set_args, va_alist); ß/* ####### causes error */ label_set_edits(id,sec_str, set_args); va_end( set_args ); } } regards, Bruce ______________________________________________________________________ This email was scanned by MessageLabs _____________________________________________________________________