Hi, I had the following problem when debugging my code with insight. My main function calls the function drawg(), but when I stepped through drawg(), and reached the end of the function , if I keep type N , I got the following error. Select function name to disassemble. Error: Cannot find bounds of current function It seems the debugger was somehow lost, and can't go back to the main() function. Has someone experienced the similar situation ? If more info. is needed, please let me know. Thanks for any help tong int drawg(double *G, double *Gnew, double *J, double nu, double beta, double sig, int T) { int err,i; GDATA *g; double *bounds; g = (GDATA *)malloc(sizeof(GDATA)); bounds[0]=.5; g->nu=nu; g->beta=beta; g->sig=sig; for(i=0; i<T; i++){ g->data= J[i] ; if(J[i]<3) bounds[1]=50; else if(J[i]<5) bounds[1]=80; else bounds[1]=120; err = arms_simple(6, bounds, bounds+1, Gden, g, 1, G+i, Gnew+i); } return err; } int main(){ double G[]={1.3,2.2}; double Gnew[2]; double J[]={2,3}; double nu=.2; double beta=.05; double sig=.3; int T=2; int err; err = drawg(&G[0],&Gnew[0],&J[0],nu,beta,sig,T); return(1); }