Hi, I'm currently working on the output of gcc/g++ -fdump-translation-unit to do source code analysis. I found several references that the internal ast should include nodes for for, while and do constructs. But I can't find those nodes in the dumped files. Sometimes there are such FOR_STMT nodes when I compile large units, but when compiling a small test unit containing not much more than a for loop, this loop isn't included in the dump. Instead there is a GOTO_EXPR where I would expect the for loop. This holds for other loops and conditional expressions as well. All FOR_STMT nodes I encountered where not from my custom code, but from templates from system includes. Are there any optimizations done on the tree before dumping it, and how can I prevent this to get an unoptimized tree? Are there other possibilities to get those loop nodes? I need them to check whether function calls are done in loops or not. Without the bodies of loops I can get information about functions called from other functions using the chain links, but not whether they are called within loops. Another thing I don't understand is the following. This dumped function node contains two body definitions, one undefined and one with a proper node chain. Is this a dump error or has it special meaning? @1639 function_decl name: @2001 mngl: @2002 type: @2003 scpe: @812 srcp: char_traits.h:322 chan: @2004 note: member accs: pub args: @2005 body: undefined link: extern body: @2006 Maybe someone could help me or point me to other resources. Thanks in advance, Sascha Jopen