Pavel Saviankou wrote:
Hi, Michael,
Huh? Structures do not have CRC checks. If you have data consistency
problems, that's nothing that a compiler will help you with.
Compilers compile. They don't manage large data sets.
you don't understand.
the structure of a c++-program, of a c++-source code will be incorrect and
compilation will broke up with "syntax error", if some errors (during
transfer, of by copying) happen.
First, I do understand.
Second, if you send a post to gcc-help, and receive a reply,
continue to include gcc-help in your responses.
Third, if your problem is with creating very large static
arrays which exceed your memory space, please don't muddy the issue
with your concerns about copying data. If the problem is copying
data without error, then please don't ask gcc-help to address those.
Expecting a compiler to catch your errors in copying data verges
on foolhardy. There's no syntactic difference between
int ar[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
int ar[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40 };
I presume that these would not give the same results in your
Michael Eager eager@xxxxxxxxxxxx
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306 650-325-8077