Guvvy wrote:
Following Gnu installation instructions, I made a directory "w98c" in /usr/local. I first placed the downloaded version of gcc (I've tried 3 now; gcc-3.3, gcc-4.0.2 and gcc 4.1.1) in / directory. I changed "Autoexec.bat" to reflect the PATH to C:%PATH%;C:\CYGWIN\GCC-3.3\GCC. Invoked Cygwin, went to the "w98c" directory and typed in "/gcc-3.3/configure". It complained about not finding a valid c compiler - please set CC variable in my environment. I did just that in the "Autoexec.bat"; "SET CC=TO C:\CYGWIN\GCC-3.3\ Attempted re-configure, same complaint. What am I doing wrong.
It certainly looks like you aren't using cygwin the way it is intended. Cygwin itself supplies gcc-3.4.4 and the source for rebuilding it. You will need to install the cygwin components which support gcc: gcc (are you surprised?), binutils, make, gmp, mpfr. Don't get too creative, they work when installed as intended. If you violate the cygwin FAQ (use install.exe, don't invent your own ways) etc. don't expect support here which you won't get on the cygwin mail list. Stick to configure options which resemble those with which cygwin gcc was built, or those reported working on gcc-testresults. I can't figure out, nor do I much care, how you think some autoexec.bat could be used to build a cygwin application, or what gnu instructions would suggest it. It should be possible (but more difficult) to build gcc with mingw, but don't mix cygwin with some other scheme. It's difficult enough with cygwin.