Hi Peter, > I'm thinking about some "improvement" for C++. Basically, that's about > coming back to C++ from Java. Can C++ compiler find sources for > referenced classes/types itself, like Java compiler does, i.e. without > notion for includes? The "module" proposal is being worked on for the next C++ standard, or perhaps the one after. One of the effects of the module proposal would be NOT to obsolesce the preprocessor, but it would be a compelling alternative to using #include preprocessor directives. At the current moment, as I understand the situation, module proposal has been cut from C++0x (2008-or-so of the ISO 14882), and pushed back to a TR or perhaps the next update of the standard (2018-or-so). Fortunately, Google URLs on C++ Modules... http://www.google.com/search?rls=en&q=modules+site:www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc2 2/wg21/&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 Keep in mind that ISO standards are supposed to be stable for a 10 year commitment at a stretch. That's both bad (squelches compiler innovation), and good (stops the moving target for compiler vendors). > I'm looking for some discussion about this. Could you please point me > some place, where such themes could be discussed? I believe I'm hardly a > first one to think about it. The place where the ongoing evolution and development of C++ itself is happening is the C++ Standards Committee (JTC1, SC22, WG21). http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/ Also, there is a lot of C++ work going on in Boost, which likely a good portion thereof will be incorporated into future C++ standards. http://www.boost.org/index.htm HTH, --Eljay