Hello there! I have a little problem with named pipes between two fortran programs. Using SUSE Linux 10.0 I used the gfortran-4.0.2-compiler for my Fortran-Programs. At this time I am updating an old fortran-program which uses two named pipes for comunication with another fortran-program. When writing unformatted on one of these pipes, the writing program ended with the error message:Illegal seek. When writing formatted there where no problems. Now I have updated on gfortran-4.1.1 and gcc-4.1.1 and the program ends with the error message both at writing unformatted and at writing formatted. The pipes are build in a shell-script via "mknod fort.60 p" and "mknod fort.61 p" respectivly before starting both programs. They are opened in the first program by open(60, STATUS = "OLD", form="formatted", action = "read", err = 99) open(61, STATUS = "OLD", form="formatted", action = "Write", err = 99) and in the second one by open(61, STATUS = "OLD", form="formatted", action = "read", err = 99) open(60, STATUS = "OLD", form="formatted", action = "Write", err = 99). Is there anyone who has an idea how I have to use those pipes correctly? Greetings Harald Spohr -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! Ideal für Modem und ISDN: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer