Hi! The linker options are is: -g -pg -ansi -fpermissive -Lpaths_to_search_specific_libraries -lspecific_libraries_to_use -lshocket -shared -fPIC -lc Thanks a lot! -----Mensaje original----- De: Tim Prince [mailto:XXX] Enviado el: miércoles, 05 de julio de 2006 1:18 Para: Carlos Marcelino Casas Cuadrado CC: gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx Asunto: Re: Profiling with g++ Carlos Marcelino Casas Cuadrado wrote: > Hello all! > I'm trying to compile a "quite huge" C++ library in SUN Solaris with > the -pg option for profiling. It compiles fine, but when I try to make > the dynamic library it says that objects in > > /usr/lib/libp/libc.a > and > /usr/lib/libp/libm.a > > are not defined. Those objects are very different; they go from > _mcount to _memcpy. Without the -pg option everything goes ok. Might I > be missing some library or anything like that? > If you use g++ -pg to drive the link, it should set up to search the necessary libraries. As you have not given specifics of your link command, we may suspect you have done differently. ______________________ Este mensaje, y en su caso, cualquier fichero anexo al mismo, puede contener informacion clasificada por su emisor como confidencial en el marco de su Sistema de Gestion de Seguridad de la Informacion siendo para uso exclusivo del destinatario, quedando prohibida su divulgacion copia o distribucion a terceros sin la autorizacion expresa del remitente. Si Vd. ha recibido este mensaje erroneamente, se ruega lo notifique al remitente y proceda a su borrado. Gracias por su colaboracion. ______________________ This message including any attachments may contain confidential information, according to our Information Security Management System, and intended solely for a specific individual to whom they are addressed. Any unauthorised copy, disclosure or distribution of this message is strictly forbidden. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it. ______________________