Pierre-Matthieu anglade wrote:
I've been told that on ubuntu64, the 32 bit libs lives in /usr/lib32
while the 64 bits one lives in /usr/lib. There is no standard but on
other distro you have respectively /usr/lib and /usr/lib/64. can't
your problem come from that to some extent?
The point is that the Ubuntu-provided original native GCC should use
the '/lib32' and '/usr/lib32' stuff automatically when producing 32-
bit apps. But a self-built GCC may fail alteady in its build stage
when the GCC sources expect the system following the current standards.
With cases like this some basic sanity should be used. If the native GCC
can compile and link a 32-bit "Hello World", there can be some sanity in
trying to configure and build a big 32-bit application. Otherwise there
is not much sanity and the problem seen during the Hello World
production should first be solved.
On 11/29/05, Kai Ruottu <karuottu@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tom or Julie Laub wrote:
We are trying to build wine on an Ubuntu 64-bit system. The configure
script fails saying that it cannot generate the executables. On
> inspecting the config.log file we find that when trying to compile an
> c++ or c program with the -m32 flag (ex. gcc -m32 hello.c) the
> compiler cannot find an appropriate libc.a or libc.so file to link
> with. It skips multiple "inappropriate" libc.a and libc.so files
> and then finally give up saying it cannot find -lc.
But are the 32-bit libraries there or not?
The "Ubuntu 5.10/AMD64 Install CD" I have here, has no 32-bit libraries
to install. But I saw also a DVD and 5 differently named CDs being
downloadable, each of these also having some 'live' equivalent to the
'install' one... I didn't at all understand what on earth all these
were... That there is a 'stripped' minimal install-CD and 'complete'
install-DVD, could be easy case for all... Or that there would be 5
numbered install-CDs having the same stuff as that DVD.
Can you give us some guidance on what to do about this problem?
If all the 32-bit libraries (glibc, termcap, ncurses, X11, Gnome,...)
are there, just find out why they are not found and used ! If they
are not there, what extra packages should be installed, maybe the 32-
bit stuff is totally 'optional'...
Maybe the "install" was done from the single CD, not from the DVD. And
then the easy way could be to reinstall everything after getting the
DVD... All this is very Ubuntu-specific and its "Install Manual" should
tell what to do in this "stripped is not enough, needing to get the
complete Ubuntu" case...