Hi Gaurav, Please see my inline comments. Those were directly copied from the GCC man page. Regards, Sagar. On Tue, 2005-08-30 at 09:55 +0530, Gaurav Gautam, Noida wrote: > > Hi, > > > I want to know, how enums are handled in gcc. How do we map an enum value to the corresponding integer size. > -fshort-enums Allocate to an "enum" type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values. Specifically, the "enum" type will be equivalent to the smallest integer type which has enough room. Warning: the -fshort-enums switch causes GCC to generate code that is not binary compatible with code generated without that switch. Use it to conform to a non-default application binary interface. > What does the option -fshort-enums does. Plz explain me in detail. > > Given an enum value, how do we calculate or determine that what size should the enum occupy. > > Does all the enum have a same size of 4 bytes or does it varies depending on the initializing value? > > > Regards > Gaurav >