Hello. I have a link problem with g++ on AIX system. I try to build a big project, which consists of a number of archives, using g++ compiler version 3.3.*. The project consist of a number of separately built executables, where each executable requires some specific archives but not all of them. Previously this project were built using AIX Visual Age compiler and now I'm trying to move to gcc. At the link stage of any executable target I receive error messages from linker about unresolved symbols from objects in used archived files. However these objects are not needed for specific target, so I don't understand how the linker come to conclusion about puuling these objects files from the archive. Reading some documentation about using GCC on AIX I found the GCC pulls from archive files all objects that has static constrcutros/descructor in them. Checking my object files in archives I found that some of them do have static constructors/descructors but very few of them, so this cannot explain why the linker pulls almost every object file from archives. Trying to investigate the content of object files, used by linker, I found that all those object files that linker tries to puul out for archive have undefined reference to __gxx_personality_v0 symbol, while a very small number of object files that weren't pull out by linker do not have this undefibed reference. I will appreciate any help about this issue. Thanks, Michael Savisko