Many thanks once again. I have now compiled my code ok. There were
basically four changes I had to make:
(1) to do with typename in a template
(2) the problem that you last emailed me about (use of a template)
3) changing the toupper in "std::transform(lang.begin(), lang.end(),
lang.begin(), toupper);" to (int(*)(int))toupper);
(I'm not quite sure why because I don't include <cctype> and I believe
there is only one toupper() in the code)
4) I had to change:
if (thisCgi.compare(prefix, 0, prefixLength) == 0) to
if (thisCgi.compare(0, prefixLength, prefix) == 0)
I think it's all working ok.
Many thanks
Eljay Love-Jensen wrote:
Hi Michael,
Try this...
commandTags<FmPage> mapTags<FmPage>::mustags[] = {
{ "page.include", &FmPage::includeFile },
{ "page.version", &FmPage::printVersion },
{ "page.script_name", &FmPage::printScriptname },
{ "page.gif_dir", &FmPage::printGifdir },
Michael Gatford
Senior Technical Consultant
APR Smartlogik Limited.
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