I'm trying to use gprof to profile an application that is compiled with GCC v3.4.3. I can compile the application and run it, but the profile information lists all of two functions, with no time listed for both of them. To get a better of idea of why this is happening, I'd like to have gprof add basic-block counting to its profile by using the -a switch as part of CFLAGS in the ./configure script. One problem is that the -a option doesn't seem to be recognized. A post to the gcc-help list implied that -a was deprecated around the 3.0 GCC release, but I couldn't confirm it, as the gprof site at gnu.org indicated that it was available. The other problem is that gprof's profile shows no useful info. It could be the settings not getting passed in to the linker phase or being put in only some files by the makefile script. Any ideas, and are the any other recommended profilers out there? Thanks for any help, Brandon Heller