Hi Eljay,
Thank you for your help !
In my headers, there is not instanciation (I think, but I will check
again). Of course there is template declaration and inline but I don't
think this may impact size in such a way...
But, how do you explain that Linux gcc (3.4.3) generate a 200 Mo debug
binary (slow but ok) and Mac gcc (3.2) generate a 1300 Mo debug binary...?
And why the object generate by an empty file (with #include <pch.h>) is
120 Ko in Linux and 4 Ko with Mac ?
May be, somewhere, a header file generate some code (but I don't think
so) or may be the Apple "customized" GCC version is a bit buggy (or
PCH+template+debug is a bad melting pot)?
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This book seems to be REALLY interesting. Thank you very much for this
good advise :-)
Sébastien L.