On the installed Cygwin enviroment I have gcc-3.3.1 installed with g++ & gcc-core 3.4.1 & gdc 3.3.3 (all right-down from cygwin-mirrors) & gcc-mingw, mingw-g++ & mingw-core based on gcc 3.2 (i' suppose to be happy cause these mirrors are not to be updated regularly). So I hooope that tis is not the real problem why anything doesnt work? So, as 'nice' people on cygwin.com (as it seems) dont have mailbox, I in despeare wroting this to you. I want to avoid that note>> gcc: installation problem, cannot exec 'as': No such file or directory stops any of my works, so where exactly I suppose to find as and ld (gcc assembler & loader, as far as I know) inside same /bin where gcc.exe resides or elsewhere? Are those standalone .exes/files? What i need to find to locate them? I know there are options --with-as=_path/to/as_ & --with-ld=_path/to/ld but that doesnt help a lot if ii do not know what ld & as really are, and if i compile some other code than gcc. <pre> --------------------------------------------- Ova je poruka poslana s Online.hr Free mail-a http://www.online.hr/ --------------------------------------------- Happy Hour - najpovoljniji pristup internetu bez pretplate http://home.globalnet.hr/levels/main.asp?id=128#hp --------------------------------------------- </pre>