Hello all - I just wrote a small vector/matrix template library that allows use of sse intstructions. I wrote some simple test programs and everything seems to work great. But then I tried to move the classes into my ray tracer and things started to look not so good. I use the __m128 type defined in xmmintrin.h. Additionally (because I was having so many problems) I set the alignment attribute of all of my classes to 16 bytes. The program crashes everytime I do an sse assignment (such as __m128 foo = bar;). I traces things down in gdb, and apparently my classes are not aligned on 16 byte boundaries. This seems strange given that I've done just about all that I can to make sure that they are aligned correctly. I'm compiling into separate object files and then linking at the end (this is the only difference I can think of between my simple test app and my ray tracer). Is it possible that the alignment gets thrown off in the link step? Thanks, Brian