I have installed both gcc 3.4.3 and gcc 4.0 and have found about a 30%
slowdown in one
particular code that I am benchmarking. I am compiling on Opteron and
have been using
the flags -m64 -O3, so far gcc 3.3.3 that comes with Suse Ent 9.0 is the
fastest. I have
tried to issue the flags -fno-gcse -fno-unit-at-a-time -fno-crossjumping
-fno-web so that
I should be issuing the same flags that are implied under 3.3.3. Has
anyone noticed
a similar performance drop, any ideas why this is happening.
Mike Sullivan
Mike Sullivan President
@lliance Technologies, Voice: (416) 385-3255 x 228,
18 Wynford Dr, Suite 407 Fax: (416) 385-1774
Toronto, ON, Canada, M3C-3S2 Toll Free:1-866-344-3255