Hi, I try to compile a file (scroll_ex.c from the 'Curses Development Kit'). The following command line does the job: gcc -g scroll_ex.c -o scroll_ex -lcdk -lncurses But when I first tried this: gcc -g -lcdk -lncurses scroll_ex.c -o scroll_ex the compiler complained: ...undefined reference to `CDKparseParams'... ... ('CDKparseParams' is a function of libcdk.a) I would like to understand that behaviour. The info- pages say that I can 'mix options and other arguments' and that their order does (almost) not matter. I have gcc v. 3.3.1. I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction. sxm ------------------------ Werbung ----------------------- >> NEU: Ab sofort: AT-Domains superguenstig um EUR 7,00 http://www.emerion.com --------------------------------------------------------- *** sent through http://www.everymail.net FREE e-mail