Re: generic/699 fails on ext4 due to using ext4 mount options w/ overlayfs

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On Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 11:39:02PM +0800, Zorro Lang wrote:
> I've forgotten why I left g/699 to generic, not in overlay. Maybe
> Christian hope to run these two cases together in one FSTYP test
> round (don't need to run overlay test once). I'm good to move this
> case to tests/overlay/, cc Christian to check his review point.

I had assumed it was because we might want to test the combination of
overlayfs with a variety of different underlying file systems?

If we move this to tests/overlay, I'd still be able to do this kind of
testing via:

  {gce,kvm}-xfstests --primary-fstype {ext4,xfs} -c overlay/default -g auto

This allows me to test overlayfs with the underlying upper and lower
directories being either ext4 or xfs.  (I could and should extend this
to support other base file system types, via some minor changes to
test-appliance/files/root/fs/overlay/config, but I had never gotten
around to it.)

How do other people who are testing overlayfs handle this?

						- Ted

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