Recently I'm setting up my dashboard for my fstests results.
My initial inspiration comes from Josef's static pages:
Generated by the following project:
Then I build a similar script (using junit reporting from fstests
instead), not much results yet, but all tests will be done on aarch64 VMs:
Generated by my poorly crafted project:
And I'm pretty sure other developers have their own dashboards.
Darrick mentioned he has his own dashboard, and Theodore mentioned he
hit several btrfs test failures.
I'm wondering if it's possible to share the dashboards for each other?
Shared dashboards have the following advantage:
- Let guys from other fses to have more reports
Ted's reports is very valuable for our btrfs guys.
If we have the access the dashboard to grab the needed info,
we're definitely going to improve our runs.
- Learn better ways to build the dashboard
I learned a lot from Josef's script, and also learned a lot from
the fstests junit report.
But I'm also wondering if there is some better ways.
One possible solution I'm still exploring is InflexDB + Grafana.
If you guys can share such dashboards, we would have better chances
to learn from each other.