hi everyone I always get confused by the order that X(Freetype? Xft?) renders a given symbol (encoded with unicode, for example). It seems to me that scalable fonts always get the priority to render a character than bitmap fonts if both match the encodings of the character. Can anyone give me a hint or show me some useful webpages related to this? Moverover, since it is very common for most existing Asian fonts looking blurry on the screen due to anti-aliasing and no efficient hinting method available, we have developed bitmap fonts to make characters look nicer and sharper on the screen. However, when both the bitmap and scalable fonts installed, the bitmap font never get chance to be displayed (this is related to the priority question above). I append the following rules into ~/.fonts.conf: <match target="font"> <test compare="eq" name="family" qual="any" > <string>outline font name1</string> <string>outline font name2</string> ..... </test> <test name="pixelsize" compare="eq"> <double>12</double> </test> ... <edit name="family" mode="assign"> <string>my bitmap font</string> </edit> </match> unfortunately, it seems not effective at all. I start doubting if it is possible to use fontconfig to override outline font by bitmap font. our bitmap fonts will be released soon (in terms of GPL), I would like to make a clear statement on how to use of the font in the realease documents, therefore, your input on these two questions is highly appreciated. Qianqian