This patch is very good for me. I am a Chinese user. But in Linux, I can't use chinese font well. Including bold font...etc...can't display in Linux. But firefly's patch solve these problems. Each time I install linux, I have to patch them and recompiler. It's not a convient thing for end user. As a result, I holpe fontconfig can accept this patch... please... Thansk's ... by Dung-Bang Tsai from Taiwan Funda Wang ´£¨ì: >Hello, > >Fontconfig has various problem regards Chinese. A hacker named Firefly >has done his final patch to 2.2.3, which can be checked here: > > >What is the attitude towards those patch? >* fontconfig-2.2.3-add_extra_option-20041114.patch: > added an option to choose whether to use gamma correction. In current situation, Chinese characters are too bright. >* fontconfig-2.2.3-alllang-20041114.patch > Some asian fonts include fonts more than one language family, i.e. ttc fonts >* fontconfig-2.2.3-include_CJK_charmaps-20041114.patch > Extra big5 table. >* fontconfig-2.2.3-multifamily_fakestyle-20041114.patch > Compute fake bold and italic style for families do not provide those styles. > > >_______________________________________________ >fontconfig mailing list >fontconfig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > > > >