Hello, Fontconfig has various problem regards Chinese. A hacker named Firefly has done his final patch to 2.2.3, which can be checked here: http://firefly.idv.tw/setfont-xft/patches/fontconfig/2.2.3/ What is the attitude towards those patch? * fontconfig-2.2.3-add_extra_option-20041114.patch: added an option to choose whether to use gamma correction. In current situation, Chinese characters are too bright. * fontconfig-2.2.3-alllang-20041114.patch Some asian fonts include fonts more than one language family, i.e. ttc fonts * fontconfig-2.2.3-include_CJK_charmaps-20041114.patch Extra big5 table. * fontconfig-2.2.3-multifamily_fakestyle-20041114.patch Compute fake bold and italic style for families do not provide those styles.