hello FIO experts, I am a beginner in FIO, and I met with a problem. Currently in my Ubuntu based server the "/dev/vdb1" volume is attached to the "/home/batman/fio/cindervolume" path. FIO job is configured like this [global] filename=fio-172_20_2_13 directory=/home/batman/fio/cindervolume rw=rw rwmixread=60 rwmixwrite=40 bs=4k rate=500k direct=1 numjobs=1 time_based=1 runtime=14d verify=crc32c continue_on_error=all group_reporting=1 [file1] iodepth=1 ; -- end job file -- FIO is started like this and works well: /usr/bin/fio --size=10G --output=/home/batman/fio/cindervolume/fio-172_20_2_13-process.log /home/batman/fioApp/fio-seq-RW.job & FIO version I use: fio-3.25 My next step would be to attach a 2nd volume for example "/dev/vdc" to "/home/batman/fio/cindervolume-2" path, and I would do performance measurement between the volumes. I was checking the FIO user’s guide, https://fio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fio_doc.html but unfortunately I cannot figure out which parameter might help me to solve this topic. By-the-way is this possible to do with FIO? If so, could you please help me by giving some direction/hints? thanks for your help, /Robi