On 16/6/20 1:21 a. m., Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 at 04:57, Hamilton Tobon Mosquera
<htobonm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've been using and analyzing io_uring's performance with fio. I'm
trying to replicate the results that Jens Axboe shows when he presents
io uring in Kernel Recipes 2019. The problem is that I'm not even closer
to that, nor that behavior. I have a server with two Intel Optanes (he
mentions that he had to use two devices), but I think the problem is
that I'm not using the proper fio parameter combination. Can you please
tell me what fio configuration is needed to get 1.6 million iops with
only one thread?, or at least that same behavior, not necesarily the 1.6
million iops. I'm comparing io_uring in polling mode vs libaio, but I
get the same iops with both of them, about 400K iops, issuing requests
to both devices through separate files.
Have you seen https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fitpeernetwork.intel.com%2Ftuning-performance-intel-optane-ssds-linux-operating-systems%2F&data=01%7C01%7Chtobonm%40eafit.edu.co%7C9fc53beeaf8344cbee6a08d811b52051%7C99f7b55e9cbe467b8143919782918afb%7C0&sdata=ipmfFDLCOnP%2BCZ3hN3aiKlEgREFHxaq5rmCeI2buAL0%3D&reserved=0
by Intel's Frank Ober? For polling to actually do its work you need to
ensure your kernel has been configured to do polling too. It would
also be good to see what you were using as your fio command line (and
I guess which kernel you are using).
Thanks for your answer.
Yes I saw that post and followed it. The CPU is in performance mode. I
activated polling in the nvme driver by loading it with the
poll_queues=N parameter, where N is the number of physical cores of the
CPU. I'm issuing 4K random and sequential reads, at different queue
depths (1,2,4,8,128,256). The peak performance is reached at a queue
depth of 128, as shown by Jens Axboe, but I'm still far away to get
those behaviors where io_uring over performs libaio. This is the jobfile:
Thanks again. I will try with the jobfile that Frank Ober sent.
Sitsofe | https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http:%2F%2Fsucs.org%2F~sits%2F&data=01%7C01%7Chtobonm%40eafit.edu.co%7C9fc53beeaf8344cbee6a08d811b52051%7C99f7b55e9cbe467b8143919782918afb%7C0&sdata=teb4flHuOeyB%2BW%2BSujPM9AV90xmry12yQ3ieYR6YwGA%3D&reserved=0
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