Hi, On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 at 20:30, Jared Walton <jawalking@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I’m trying to setup workload where 70% of the IOs are read and 30% are write, but all reads would be 4k reads, and all writes would be 8k. Is this possible with FIO? > > I see that I can set bssplit=4k/70:8k/30 but where how would I ensure that all 4k are reads? Can't you use just plain blocksize (https://fio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fio_man.html#cmdoption-arg-blocksize ) and rwmixread (https://fio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fio_man.html#cmdoption-arg-rwmixread ) for this? blocksize takes comma separated values for each direction so you could set bs=4k,8k and then you could use rwmixread=70 to skew the balance of reads to writes... -- Sitsofe | http://sucs.org/~sits/