Hi there,
Yes I saw it. Thank you very much for your help.
I finally got it to run by using the flags size and offset_increment. An
example for future readers:
I'm trying to do sequential and random requests to the same file with
multiple threads, preventing each thread to interfere in other thread's
requests. My file size is 200G, then, if the number of threads is 4, I
set the flag --size to 50G, that is, I divide the file size into the
number of threads. Also, as offset_increment accepts a percentage, I
divide 100% into the number of threads, in this case I set it to 25%.
With these two flags each thread starts doing the specified requests
adding 50G to the offset (because that's 25% percent of the file) and
they only issue requests up to 50G, preventing an overflow to other
thread's chunk or outside the file.
Even though it's working for me (it's not crashing, nor screwing the
file), If I'm wrong in something please correct me.
Thank you.
On 30/04/20 1:59 a. m., Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 at 15:41, Hamilton Tobon Mosquera
<htobonm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi there, I send this again, I'm not sure if it was sent last time, I
thought I was subscribed to the mailing list but I wasn't.
Did you see my reply to your previous mail -
Sitsofe |
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