Fedora 14 updates-testing report

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The following Fedora 14 Security updates need testing:


The following Fedora 14 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:


The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 14 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 389-ds-base- (FEDORA-2011-5394)
 389 Directory Server (base)
Update Information:

The 389-ds-base- release - fix bug 696407
The 389-ds-base- release
This is the 389-ds-base- release - some bug fixes for winsync
and matching rules and schema
The 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc5 release - Fix a bug in settting up GSSAPI replication
This is the 1.2.8 release candidate 4 release
This is 389-ds-base-1.2.8 RC 2 - this fixes several bugs found in alpha and RC 1 testing
This is the 389-ds-base-1.2.8 release candidate 1 build
Split off 389-ds-base-libs to solve multilib issues
1.2.8.a3 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.a3
see bugs for a list of bugs fixed
This is the 1.2.8 alpha 2 release - many bug fixes
389-ds-base 1.2.8 alpha 1
contains many bug fixes

* Thu Apr 14 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- 389-ds-base-
- Bug 696407 - If an entry with a mixed case RDN is turned to be
-    a tombstone, it fails to assemble DN from entryrdn
* Fri Apr  8 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- 389-ds-base-
- Bug 693962 - Full replica push loses some entries with multi-valued RDNs
* Tue Apr  5 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- 389-ds-base-
- Bug 693473 - rhds82 rfe - windows_tot_run to log Sizelimit exceeded instead of LDAP error - -1
- Bug 692991 - rhds82 - windows_tot_run: failed to obtain data to send to the consumer; LDAP error - -1
- Bug 693466 - Unable to change schema online
- Bug 693503 - matching rules do not inherit from superior attribute type
- Bug 693455 - nsMatchingRule does not work with multiple values
- Bug 693451 - cannot use localized matching rules
- Bug 692331 - Segfault on index update during full replication push on
* Mon Apr  4 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-0.9.rc5
- 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc5
- Bug 692469 - Replica install fails after step for "enable GSSAPI for replication"
* Tue Mar 29 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-0.8.rc4
- 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc4
- Bug 668385 - DS pipe log script is executed as many times as the dirsrv serv
ice is restarted
- 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc3
- Bug 690955 - Mrclone fails due to the replica generation id mismatch
* Tue Mar 22 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-0.7.rc2
- 389-ds-base-1.2.8 release candidate 2 - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc2
- Bug 689537 - (cov#10610) Fix Coverity NULL pointer dereferences
- Bug 689866 - ns-newpwpolicy.pl needs to use the new DN format
- Bug 681015 - RFE: allow fine grained password policy duration attributes
-              in days, hours, minutes, as well
- Bug 684996 - Exported tombstone cannot be imported correctly
- Bug 683250 - slapd crashing when traffic replayed
- Bug 668909 - Can't modify replication agreement in some cases
- Bug 504803 - Allow maxlogsize to be set if logmaxdiskspace is -1
- Bug 644784 - Memory leak in "testbind.c" plugin
- Bug 680558 - Winsync plugin fails to restrain itself to the configured subtree
* Wed Mar  2 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-0.6.rc1
- 389-ds-base-1.2.8 release candidate 1 - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc1
- Bug 518890 - setup-ds-admin.pl - improve hostname validation
- Bug 681015 - RFE: allow fine grained password policy duration attributes in 
-     days, hours, minutes, as well
- Bug 514190 - setup-ds-admin.pl --debug does not log to file
- Bug 680555 - ns-slapd segfaults if I have more than 100 DBs
- Bug 681345 - setup-ds.pl should set SuiteSpotGroup automatically
- Bug 674852 - crash in ldap-agent when using OpenLDAP
- Bug 679978 - modifying attr value crashes the server, which is supposed to
-     be indexed as substring type, but has octetstring syntax
- Bug 676655 - winsync stops working after server restart
- Bug 677705 - ds-logpipe.py script is failing to validate "-s" and
-     "--serverpid" options with "-t".
- Bug 625424 - repl-monitor.pl doesn't work in hub node
* Mon Feb 28 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-0.5.a3
- Bug 676598 - 389-ds-base multilib: file conflicts
- split off libs into a separate -libs package
* Thu Feb 24 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-0.4.a3
- do not create /var/run/dirsrv - setup will create it instead
- remove the fedora-ds initscript upgrade stuff - we do not support that anymore
- convert the remaining lua stuff to plain old shell script
* Wed Feb  9 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-0.3.a3
- 1.2.8.a3 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.a3
- Bug 675320 - empty modify operation with repl on or lastmod off will crash server
- Bug 675265 - preventryusn gets added to entries on a failed delete
- Bug 677774 - added support for tmpfiles.d
- Bug 666076 - dirsrv crash ( with multiple simple paged result search
- Bug 672468 - Don't use empty path elements in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Bug 671199 - Don't allow other to write to rundir
- Bug 678646 - Ignore tombstone operations in managed entry plug-in
- Bug 676053 - export task followed by import task causes cache assertion
- Bug 677440 - clean up compiler warnings in 389-ds-base 1.2.8
- Bug 675113 - ns-slapd core dump in windows_tot_run if oneway sync is used
- Bug 676689 - crash while adding a new user to be synced to windows
- Bug 604881 - admin server log files have incorrect permissions/ownerships
- Bug 668385 - DS pipe log script is executed as many times as the dirsrv serv
ice is restarted
- Bug 675853 - dirsrv crash segfault in need_new_pw()
* Thu Feb  3 2011 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-0.2.a2
- 1.2.8.a2 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.a2
- Bug 674430 - Improve error messages for attribute uniqueness
- Bug 616213 - insufficient stack size for HP-UX on PA-RISC
- Bug 615052 - intrinsics and 64-bit atomics code fails to compile
-    on PA-RISC
- Bug 151705 - Need to update Console Cipher Preferences with new ciphers
- Bug 668862 - init scripts return wrong error code
- Bug 670616 - Allow SSF to be set for local (ldapi) connections
- Bug 667935 - DS pipe log script's logregex.py plugin is not redirecting the 
-    log output to the text file
- Bug 668619 - slapd stops responding
- Bug 624547 - attrcrypt should query the given slot/token for
-    supported ciphers
- Bug 646381 - Faulty password for nsmultiplexorcredentials does not give any 
-    error message in logs
* Fri Jan 21 2011 Nathan Kinder <nkinder@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.8-0.1.a1
- 1.2.8-0.1.a1 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.a1
- many bug fixes

  [ 1 ] Bug #696407 - If an entry with a mixed case RDN is turned to be a tombstone, it fails to assemble DN from entryrdn
  [ 2 ] Bug #693962 - Full replica push loses some entries with multi-valued RDNs

 abrt-1.1.18-1.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5416)
 Automatic bug detection and reporting tool
Update Information:

Update to the latest stable upstream, changes the duplicate hash to be the same as in F15, also should prevent reporting bugs without backtrace.

* Thu Apr 14 2011 Jiri Moskovcak <jmoskovc@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.1.18-1
updated po files (jmoskovc@xxxxxxxxxx)
backport: Ticket #160 Hash is not present in Bugzilla (npajkovs@xxxxxxxxxx)
added forgotten #include <config.h> (jmoskovc@xxxxxxxxxx)
send "User-Agent: ABRT/n.n.n" header in RHTS http transactions (dvlasenk@xxxxxxxxxx)
Better duplicate hash (kklic@xxxxxxxxxx)
* Fri Feb 18 2011 Jiri Moskovcak <jmoskovc@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.1.17-2
- removed gnome-python2-vfs dependency

 bluedevil-1.1-1.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5041)
 Bluetooth stack for KDE
Update Information:

This update introduces Bluedevil - the new KDE bluetooth application/stack - to Fedora 14 as a default option. It replaces the old Kbluetooth solution as it's obsoleted in KDE Platform 4.6.1.

Bluedevil changelog:
- Fixed requestPin helper by flushing cout buffer
- Fixed requestConfirmation by passing the correct arguments
- BUG: 267302 (crash reproducible for example with an iPhone)
- Improved wizard device name detection.
- Fixed âSend filesâ in some system by being sure that the defaultAdapter is NOT discovering.

  [ 1 ] Bug #693236 - kbluetooth no longer works with KDE 4.6.1 update

 dovecot-2.0.12-2.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5404)
 Secure imap and pop3 server
Update Information:

- dbox: Fixes to handling external attachments
- dsync: More fixes to avoid hanging with remote syncs
- dsync: Many other syncing/correctness fixes
- doveconf: v2.0.10 and v2.0.11 didn't output plugin {} section right

* Fri Apr 15 2011 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:2.0.12-2
- pigeonhole updated to 0.2.3, which includes:
- managesieve: fixed bug in UTF-8 checking of string values
- sieve command line tools now avoid initializing the mail store unless necessary
- removed header MIME-decoding to fix erroneous address parsing
- fixed segfault bug in extension configuration, triggered when unknown
  extension is mentioned in sieve_extensions setting.
* Wed Apr 13 2011 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1:2.0.12-1
- dbox: Fixes to handling external attachments
- dsync: More fixes to avoid hanging with remote syncs
- dsync: Many other syncing/correctness fixes
- doveconf: v2.0.10 and v2.0.11 didn't output plugin {} section right

 erlang-erlzmq2-0-1.20110411gitec60b1d.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5414)
 Erlang binding for ZeroMQ
Update Information:

New package. Erlang binding for ZeroMQ (NIF based).

  [ 1 ] Bug #691081 - Review Request: erlang-erlzmq2 -  Erlang binding for ZeroMQ

 git-cola- (FEDORA-2011-5397)
 A highly caffeinated git gui
Update Information:

An update to the latest upstream bugfix release of git-cola, fixing a bug with folder names containing non-ASCII characters, and providing speedups and improved diff viewer configuration.


* Thu Apr 14 2011 Kevin Kofler <Kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -
- Update to (#696563, #694806)

  [ 1 ] Bug #696563 - git-cola- is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #694806 - [abrt] git-cola- core.py:36:encode:UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 56: ordinal not in range(128)

 gnome-exe-thumbnailer-0.7-4.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5192)
 Shows thumbnails of exe files in nautilus
Update Information:

Shows thumbnails of exe files in nautilus

  [ 1 ] Bug #636819 - Review Request: gnome-exe-thumbnailer - gnome thumbnailer for exe files

 gnuchess-5.08-1.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5398)
 The GNU chess program
Update Information:

Now licensed as GPLv3+

* Mon Apr 11 2011 Christopher Aillon <caillon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.08-1
- Update to 5.08
- Now licensed under GPLv3+
* Tue Feb  8 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.07-15
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild

 josm-0-0.18.4021svn.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5405)
 An editor for  OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Update Information:

Update to 4021 svn revision

* Thu Apr 14 2011 CÃdric OLIVIER <cedric.olivier@xxxxxxx> 0-0.18.4021svn
- Update to 4021 svn revision

 luci-0.24.0-2.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5412)
 Web-based high availability administration application
Update Information:

Update to new upstream release 0.24.0

* Fri Apr 15 2011 Fabio M. Di Nitto <fdinitto@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.24.0-2
- Fix spec file from 0.24.0 import:
  - readd alphatag to support git snapshots
  - drop exclusivearch on fedora
  - readd missing changelog entries
* Thu Apr 14 2011 Ryan McCabe <rmccabe@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.24.0-1
- New upstream release (0.24.0)

- Fix bz472972 (Separate the Oracle 10g Failover Instance in Conga to two resources called "Oracle Instance" and "Oracle Listener")
- Fix bz536841 (Need ability to change number of votes for a node through luci)
- Fix bz557234 (luci update to handle private network/hostnames for cluster create/config)
- Fix bz600057 (Fix node uptime display)
- Fix bz600078 (Warn about qdisk use for certain configurations)
- Fix bz605932 (Missing "reset to defaults" button in qdisk configuration)
- Fix bz613155 (running luci init script as non-root user results in traceback)
- Fix bz613871 (luci should not give ungraceful error messages when encountering fence devices that it does not recognize/support)
- Fix bz614963 (Python 2.6 deprecation of BaseException.message)
- Fix bz616239 (Need option to completely destroy cluster)
- Fix bz617586 (Implement progress dialog for long-running operations)
- Fix bz617587 (Luci doesn't display underlying errors)
- Fix bz618701 (Spaces in cluster name confuse luci)
- Fix bz620343 (Consider renaming "Services" to "Service Groups")
- Fix bz620373 (Consider changing the tab order)
- Fix bz620377 (Drop-down menus do not remember the selection)
- Fix bz622562 (Need to add support for unfencing conf. generation for SAN fencing agents and fence_scsi)
- Fix bz624558 (replace broadcast option with udpu)
- Fix bz624716 (luci displays misleading error status on initial cluster configuration pages)
- Fix bz632344 (Enable centralized logging configuration via Luci)
- Fix bz633983 (Luci does not handle parameter "nodename" related to fence_scsi fence agent correctly)
- Fix bz636267 ("Update" buttons at "Fence Devices" tab do effectively nothing)
- Fix bz636300 (Egenera fence agent: specifying username not arranged correctly)
- Fix bz637223 (Cisco UCS Fencing Agent)
- Fix bz639107 (Add luci support for configuring fence_rhev)
- Fix bz639111 (Support configuration of non-critical resources)
- Fix bz639120 (Create "expert" user mode)
- Fix bz639123 (Disable action buttons when no nodes are selected)
- Fix bz639124 (Reconcile local database with changes in cluster membership made outside of luci)
- Fix bz643488 (inconsistent er/upper casing)
- Fix bz659014 (Luci returns an Error 500 when accessing node configuration with FQDN names)
- Fix bz666971 (Disable updates to static routes by RHCS IP tooling)
- Fix bz678366 (fence management not fully functional)
- Fix bz678424 (can't add node to existing cluster)
- Fix bz682843 (luci still tries to setup obsolete smb.sh Resource)
* Tue Feb  8 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.22.6-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild

 ntfs-3g-2011.4.12-1.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5396)
 Linux NTFS userspace driver
Update Information:

Update to ntfs-3g 2011.4.12. This release also merged with ntfsprogs, which is now a subpackage of ntfs-3g.

STABLE Version 2011.4.12 (April 10, 2011)

ntfs-3g: fixed possible wrong hole size when overwriting compressed data.
ntfs-3g: fixed listxattr() to environments with extended attributes.
ntfs-3g: fixed ENOSPC when making an index non-resident.
ntfs-3g: fixed partial mapping ahead of mapped runlist.
ntfs-3g: enabled forensic mounting (currently same as read-only).
ntfs-3g: expand an attribute without creating a hole.
ntfs-3g: improved appending data to a long hole.
ntfs-3g: deny direct modifications to metadata files.
ntfs-3g: option âaclâ to request the use of Posix ACLs.
ntfsclone: fixed reading old big-endian ntfsclone images.
ntfsclone: avoided writing beyond allocated variable.
ntfsclone: close volume and cleanup when exiting.
ntfsclone: new option not to clear the timestamps.
ntfsclone: sync created image before remounting.
ntfsclone: use a stream to produce aligned writes during image creation.
ntfsinfo: display times in UTC.
mkntfs: donât store full bitmap and logfile in memory.
mkntfs: set a volume UUID if option -U.
mkntfs: fixed $MFT allocated size.
mkntfs: fixed allocated size of resident unnamed data.
ntfsfix: new option -n for no action.
ntfsfix: try alternate boot sector if cannot start up.
ntfsfix: check and fix the upcase table.
ntfsfix: try to fix file systems with incorrect size.
ntfsundelete: fixed a segfault.
ntfsresize: new option âinfo-mb-only.
ntfsresize: new option âcheck.


* Thu Apr 14 2011 Tom Callaway <spot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2011.4.12-1
- update to 2011.4.12
- pickup ntfsprogs and obsolete the old separate packages
* Tue Feb  8 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2:2011.1.15-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #695531 - ntfsprogs is deprecated
  [ 2 ] Bug #696577 - ntfs-3g-2011.4.12 is available

 python-rhev-0.9-1.20110316git.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5409)
 Python binding to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization's REST API
Update Information:

Python binding to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization's REST API

 rawstudio-2.0-1.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5406)
 Read, manipulate and convert digital camera raw images
Update Information:

Update to the final 2.0 release.

* Thu Apr 14 2011 Gianluca Sforna <giallu@xxxxxxxxx> - 2.0-1
- Update to final release
- remove upstreamed patch
* Mon Apr 11 2011 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0-0.1.beta1.1
- rebuild (exiv2)

 rubygem-kwalify-0.7.2-3.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5417)
 A parser, schema validator, and data-binding tool for YAML and JSON
Update Information:

New package: rubygem-kwalify - A parser and schema validator for YAML and JSON

  [ 1 ] Bug #692466 - Review Request: rubygem-kwalify - A parser and schema validator for YAML and JSON

 sepostgresql-9.0.3-20110415.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5408)
 Security Enhanced PostgreSQL
Update Information:

- upgrade base version to 9.0.3 from 9.0.1; including several bug fixes.
- initial labeling criteria was revised to call selabel_lookup(3); to support the recent selinux policy

* Fri Apr 15 2011 KaiGai Kohei <kaigai@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 9.0.3-20110415
- upgrade base version to 9.0.3
- initial labeling logic was revised to use selabel_lookup()

 sugar-0.92.1-1.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5415)
 Constructionist learning platform
Update Information:

Update to 0.92.1. The sugar 0.92 series is really a minor update to 0.90 as opposed to a major update.

* Thu Apr 14 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.92.1-1
- 0.92.1 release
* Tue Mar  1 2011 Simon Schampijer <simon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.92.0-2
- added upower (battery status indicator) and ConsoleKit
  (logged users information) as runtime dependencies
* Mon Feb 28 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.92.0-1
- 0.92.0 release
* Wed Feb  9 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.90.3-5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild

 sugar-datastore-0.92.1-1.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5415)
 Sugar Datastore
Update Information:

Update to 0.92.1. The sugar 0.92 series is really a minor update to 0.90 as opposed to a major update.

* Thu Apr 14 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.92.1-1
- 0.92.1 stable release
* Mon Feb 28 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.92.0-1
- 0.92.0 stable release
* Wed Feb  9 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.90.0-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat Jan 29 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.90.0-2
- bump build

 sugar-toolkit-0.92.1-1.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5415)
 Sugar toolkit
Update Information:

Update to 0.92.1. The sugar 0.92 series is really a minor update to 0.90 as opposed to a major update.

* Thu Apr 14 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.92.1-1
- 0.92.1 release
* Mon Feb 28 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.92.0-1
- 0.92.0 release
* Wed Feb  9 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.90.2-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild

 tomcat6-6.0.26-20.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5402)
 Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 2.5/JSP 2.1 API
Update Information:

CVE-2011-0534, CVE-2011-0013, CVE-2010-3718

* Thu Apr 14 2011 David Knox <dknox@xxxxxxxxxx> 0:6.0.26-20
* Applied CVE-2010-3718, CVE-2011-0013, CVE-2011-0534
* Thu Feb 17 2011 David Knox <dknox@xxxxxxxxxx> 0:6.0.26-19
- Reversed changes in tomcat6.init so tomcat6.conf is read before
- the system configuration
* Thu Feb  3 2011 David Knox <dknox@xxxxxxxxxx> 0:6.0.26-18
- Resolves: rhbz 647601 - JDK Double.parseDouble DoS
* Mon Jan 17 2011 David Knox <dknox@xxxxxxxxxx> 0:6.0.26-17
- Resolves: rhbz# 669969 - tomcat.conf sets javax.sql.DataSource.Factory=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" as the default. 
- Resolves issues running multiple instances on a single host. Logging
- directory points to ${CATALINA_HOME}/logs/

  [ 1 ] Bug #675794 - CVE-2011-0013 CVE-2010-3718 CVE-2011-0534 tomcat6 various flaws [fedora-all]

 xboard-4.5.1-2.fc14 (FEDORA-2011-5401)
 An X Window System graphical chessboard
Update Information:

XBoard is now licensed as GPLv3+

* Thu Apr 14 2011 Christopher Aillon <caillon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.5.1-2
- Rebuild
* Mon Apr 11 2011 Christopher Aillon <caillon@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.5.1-1
- Update to 4.5.1
- Now licensed under GPLv3+
* Mon Feb  7 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.4.2-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild

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