Re: Installing Rawhide

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On 12/02/2009 10:01 AM, Jesse Keating wrote:
On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 11:01 -0500, James Laska wrote:
QA requires a bit more clarity on the process by which images will be
requested and built ... and we'll then need to update the schedule to
reflect these changes.  I'm not comfortable hand-waving this process
until later.

Currently the Installer team knows to ask me (email, irc, bat signal) to
produce images when they are ready for test.  Many of that team know how
to produce images on their own for local testing, and thus far I have
only been contacted once, and that was for semi-private testing, not
wide scale testing.

I think James' point was missed. He didn't say anything about the 
Installer team.  He was speaking for what the *QA Team* needed.
This seems like the introduction of a new testing model in Fedora 
whereby no testing happens until the maintainer requests that it happen. 
 It would be great to hear directly from the Installer team directly 
how this changes their testing needs and how we can all best help them.

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