Scott Robbins said the following on 12/01/2009 08:30 AM Pacific Time:
Jesse Keating said the following on 11/29/2009 10:52 PM Pacific Time:
From now on, Rawhide will not have install images. Rawhide is a never
stopping never freezing repository of packages. To get to rawhide
you'll need to start with say F12 and either point to the rawhide repo
during install, or yum update to it post install.
The wiki should be updated.
Someone has kindly already posted Jesse's announcement on the forums,
but, no doubt, we'll still be getting questions from people asking where
is the rawhide boot.iso. :)
I guess that is part of the question I was trying to ask in my previous
post... where did we clearly tell people the install images were being
taken away? I was surprised myself.
Since we are changing the way we've been doing things for 12 releases
have we considered getting the word out through some news article and blogs?
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