Will Woods wrote:
At the usual time and place - #fedora-meeting on freenode, 1500UTC (that's 10AM US Eastern).
So have we moved the meeting time from16:00 back to 15:00?
- Fedora 11 Alpha
- status
- review of test procedures / results
- Wiki use
- Guidelines for naming test plans / test cases
- QA team guidelines
- Who gets to vote on decisions? Sponsors?
- How do you get to be a QA team sponsor?
- How do you get to be a QA team member?
- What does being in the QA team require/provide?
Let's first come up with a QA team made from the community for the community
before coming up with any guidelines for QA
I want everyone to take a look at http://sqa.net/
and consider the Fedora QA procedure will be moved in that direction.
The idea is that there will be made QA board consisting of one
representing from each SIG
That representative task will be over sighting the QA of his SIG and
this board over sighting the QA of the whole Fedoraproject.
Example for the ART team is the art consistent are there any missing
icons for package etc..
Example for Doc team could be like are documentation up to standard any
man pages missing etc...
Any software related SIG would be responsible for that SIG components
works as advertised and provide the
SQC with test cases test Plans ( or ask them for help to come up with
those test plans test cases )
And so on..
The current QA form will become SQC and the SQC board will consist of
equal number from both Testers and Triagers and
any other team within Fedora that might fall under the definition of SQC
Preferable those representatives will be from different parts of the
world you would not have 2 from triage team from the states
or 2 from testers team from the states in that board.
- Open floor / misc.
This can be added to that meetings agenda.
Redirect all the test related topics that end on devel to the test list.
If developers aren't subscribed to this list they should be.
Improve packagers rawhide/updates testing report
1. They provide bug number of the bug that was fixed ( atleast if that
bug is in our bugzilla )
2. Provide CVE reference if this was a security fix.
3. Enhancements should be described well or an url is provided either on
the form http://www.exampleproject.org/path/to/changlog
or file:///usr/share/doc/<component>/changelog
These are vital information for the SQC process to have.
Ideas to get maintainers/developers to start using the both this list
and fedora-qa tickets system.
Define what services the SQC offerst maintainers and what it expects
from them to improve SQC.
fn:Johann B. Gudmundsson
n:Gudmundsson;Johann B.
org:Reiknistofnun - University of Iceland;IT Management
adr:Taeknigardi;;Dunhagi 5;Reykjavik;;107;Iceland
title:Unix System Engineer RHCE,CCSA
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