On Sat, 29 Nov 2008, Leslie Satenstein wrote:
bib* and then
> yum -y erase bib*
> or do it via yumex. Since that was my original effort to remove
installed files.
1. why are you passing the -y if you want to confirm what is being removed?
2. what yum plugins do you have installed?
I had no yumex or yum plugins. Once F10 booted, I immediately did a yum inst
all yumex.
Then I reviewed the installed files and uncheckmarked the entries I did not
That was a mistake, as it took a whole set of dependencies with the 3 or 4 m
Did you make a log or a screen capture of what it said it would be
We need something to go on as to what is being requested and what is being
depsolved out.
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