Re: Java browser plugin/Liveconnect support status (and request to test!)

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Deepak Bhole wrote:

Are there any other copies of firefox running? You need to make sure all
instances are closed. Once that is confirmed, doing
'ICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG=true firefox' on the console should produce debug

Starting it with ICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG=true firefox buffers to 100%, spits out a second or so of sound then crashes with a segmentation fault. Below is the output in the console (warning: quite a lot of lines). I have also attached java.stderr and java.stdout. This is on a x86_64 laptop with current Rawhide.

[patrick@localhost ~]$ ICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG=true firefox
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::IcedTeaPluginFactory
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::IcedTeaPluginFactory return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::Initialize
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::Initialize: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: thread manager
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: current thread
Initializing JVM...
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: get component manager
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: liveconnect
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: thread manager
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::StartAppletviewer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: get component manager
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: create local file
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: init with path
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: create process
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: init process
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: clearing old input fifo (if any): /home/patrick/.icedteaplugin/icedtea-appletviewer-to-plugin ICEDTEA PLUGIN: creating input fifo: /home/patrick/.icedteaplugin/icedtea-appletviewer-to-plugin ICEDTEA PLUGIN: created input fifo: /home/patrick/.icedteaplugin/icedtea-appletviewer-to-plugin
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: got confirmation that appletviewer is running
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: clearing old output fifo (if any): /home/patrick/.icedteaplugin/icedtea-plugin-to-appletviewer ICEDTEA PLUGIN: creating output fifo: /home/patrick/.icedteaplugin/icedtea-plugin-to-appletviewer ICEDTEA PLUGIN: created output fifo: /home/patrick/.icedteaplugin/icedtea-plugin-to-appletviewer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: run process
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8787
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::StartAppletviewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: started appletviewer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::Initialize return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::CreateSecureEnv
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::CreateSecureEnv return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::CreateInstance
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::IcedTeaPluginInstance
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::IcedTeaPluginInstance return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::CreateInstance return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::Initialize
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: instance 1 tag <applet archive="/global/cortado.jar" code="com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class" mayscript="" height="288" width="368"> <param name="url" value="";> <param name="local" value="false"> <param name="video" value="true"> <param name="audio" value="true"> <param name="seekable" value="true"> <param name="duration" value="3717"> <param name="debug" value="1"> <param name="callback" value="update"> <param name="bufferSize" value="300"> <param name="showStatus" value="show"> <param name="keepAspect" value="true"> </applet></embed>
Wrote 724 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
SETTING PEER!!!: 0x7f60a9affd20
DONE SETTING PEER!!!: 0x7f60a9affd20
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::Initialize return
NOT IMPLEMENTED: virtual nsresult IcedTeaPluginInstance::Start()
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::GetValue
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::GetValue return
GETTING PEER!!!: 0x7f60a9affd20
DONE GETTING PEER!!!: 0x7f60a9affd20, 0x7f60a9affd20
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::GetValue
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Factory::GetValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::GetValue
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::GetValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: setting window.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: instance 1 handle 75500539
Wrote 27 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::GetJavaObject
IcedTeaPluginInstance::GetJavaObject: Instance 0x7f60a9890d60 waiting for initialization...
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow
IcedTeaPluginInstance::SetWindow: Instance 0x7f60a9890d60 waiting for initialization...
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: instance 1 status starting applet...
  PIPE: plugin read: instance 1 status starting applet...
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: instance 1 status starting applet...
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
Pending event processed (this) ... 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: instance 1 status Applet loaded.
  PIPE: plugin read: instance 1 status Applet loaded.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: instance 1 status Applet loaded.
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
Pending event processed (this) ... 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: instance 1 status Applet initialized.
  PIPE: plugin read: instance 1 status Applet initialized.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: instance 1 status Applet initialized.
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
Pending event processed (this) ... 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: instance 1 initialized
  PIPE: plugin read: instance 1 initialized
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: instance 1 initialized
Setting instance.initialized for 0x7f60a9890d60 from 0 to 1...
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
Instance 0x7f60a9890d60 initialization complete...
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: window already exists.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: window width changed.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: window height changed.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: instance 1 width 368 height 288
Wrote 32 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow return
Instance 0x7f60a9890d60 initialization complete...
Sending object message: instance 1 reference 0 GetJavaObject
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: instance 1 reference 0 GetJavaObject
Wrote 37 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 0 GetJavaObject 51
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 0 GetJavaObject 51
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 0 GetJavaObject 51
Time elapsed = 471121
Patrsed integer: 51
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: instance 1 status Applet started.
  PIPE: plugin read: instance 1 status Applet started.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: instance 1 status Applet started.
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
Pending event processed (this) ... 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 51 0x7f60a97e6af0
INCREMENTED: 51 0x7f60a97e6af0 to: 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::GetJavaObject return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ResultMap 0x7f60abd2f650 created for reference 2 found = 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSObject
Wrote 61 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 1
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 1
Time elapsed = 5854
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 1 0x7f60a97da770
INCREMENTED: 1 0x7f60a97da770 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a97da770 = 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 1
Wrote 37 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 1
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 1
Time elapsed = 1918
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
INCREMENTED: 1 0x7f60a97da770 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a97da770 = 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ResultMap 0x7f60a97da720 created for reference -1 found = 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 1
Wrote 40 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSException
Wrote 64 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 2
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 2
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 2
Time elapsed = 3806
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 2 0x7f60a9f1a860
INCREMENTED: 2 0x7f60a9f1a860 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a9f1a860 = 2
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 2
Wrote 37 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 2
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 2
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 2
Time elapsed = 2697
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
INCREMENTED: 2 0x7f60a9f1a860 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a9f1a860 = 2
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 2
Wrote 40 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSUtil
Wrote 59 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 11
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 11
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 11
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Time elapsed = 3356
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 11 0x7f60a9ad2e20
INCREMENTED: 11 0x7f60a9ad2e20 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a9ad2e20 = 11
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 11
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 11
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 11
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 11
Time elapsed = 1771
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
INCREMENTED: 11 0x7f60a9ad2e20 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a9ad2e20 = 11
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 11
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 2 <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V
Wrote 103 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 3
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 3
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 3
Time elapsed = 2367
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 3 0x7f60a97e6bc0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 3 0x7f60a97e6bc0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97e6bc0 = 3, (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 2 <init> (ILjava/lang/Object;)V
Wrote 66 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 4
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 4
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 4
Time elapsed = 6451
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 4 0x7f60a97e8120
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 4 0x7f60a97e8120
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97e8120 = 4, (ILjava/lang/Object;)V
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 lineno I
Wrote 44 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 5
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 5
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 5
Time elapsed = 1115
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 5 0x7f60a97de9c0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 5 0x7f60a97de9c0
RECEIVE_ID: GetFieldID result: a97de9c0 = 5, I
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 tokenIndex I
Wrote 48 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 6
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 6
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 6
Time elapsed = 1181
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 6 0x7f60a97dea40
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 6 0x7f60a97dea40
RECEIVE_ID: GetFieldID result: a97dea40 = 6, I
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 source Ljava/lang/String;
Wrote 61 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 7
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 7
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 7
Time elapsed = 1188
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 7 0x7f60a97de9a0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 7 0x7f60a97de9a0
RECEIVE_ID: GetFieldID result: a97de9a0 = 7, Ljava/lang/String;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 filename Ljava/lang/String;
Wrote 63 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 8
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 8
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 8
Time elapsed = 887
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 8 0x7f60a9f633b0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 8 0x7f60a9f633b0
RECEIVE_ID: GetFieldID result: a9f633b0 = 8, Ljava/lang/String;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 wrappedExceptionType I
Wrote 58 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 9
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 9
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 9
Time elapsed = 26141
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 9 0x7f60a9f63390
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 9 0x7f60a9f63390
RECEIVE_ID: GetFieldID result: a9f63390 = 9, I
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 wrappedException Ljava/lang/Object;
Wrote 71 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 10
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 10
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 10
Time elapsed = 1661
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 10 0x7f60a9f63430
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 10 0x7f60a9f63430
RECEIVE_ID: GetFieldID result: a9f63430 = 10, Ljava/lang/Object;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 11 getStackTrace (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;
Wrote 99 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 12
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 12
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 12
Time elapsed = 1533
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 12 0x7f60a9772fb0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 12 0x7f60a9772fb0
RECEIVE_ID: GetStaticMethodID result: a9772fb0 = 12, (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetStaticMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Object
Wrote 49 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 13
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 13
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 13
Time elapsed = 1184
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 13 0x7f60a9773070
INCREMENTED: 13 0x7f60a9773070 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a9773070 = 13
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 13
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 13
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 13
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 13
Time elapsed = 1231
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 13 0x7f60a9773070 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a9773070 = 13
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 13
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Class
Wrote 48 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 14
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 14
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 14
Time elapsed = 1679
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 14 0x7f60a97733c0
INCREMENTED: 14 0x7f60a97733c0 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a97733c0 = 14
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 14
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 14
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 14
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 14
Time elapsed = 1239
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 14 0x7f60a97733c0 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a97733c0 = 14
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 14
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Method
Wrote 57 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 22
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 22
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 22
Time elapsed = 1503
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 22 0x7f60a9773440
INCREMENTED: 22 0x7f60a9773440 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a9773440 = 22
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 22
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 22
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 22
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 22
Time elapsed = 1368
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 22 0x7f60a9773440 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a9773440 = 22
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 22
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Constructor
Wrote 62 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 27
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 27
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 27
Time elapsed = 1483
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 27 0x7f60a987f6a0
INCREMENTED: 27 0x7f60a987f6a0 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a987f6a0 = 27
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 27
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 27
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 27
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 27
Time elapsed = 1364
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 27 0x7f60a987f6a0 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a987f6a0 = 27
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 27
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Field
Wrote 56 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 30
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 30
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 30
Time elapsed = 7879
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 30 0x7f60a987f720
INCREMENTED: 30 0x7f60a987f720 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a987f720 = 30
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 30
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 30
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 30
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 30
Time elapsed = 1101
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 30 0x7f60a987f720 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a987f720 = 30
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 30
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Array
Wrote 56 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 34
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 34
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 34
Time elapsed = 1031
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 34 0x7f60a987f7a0
INCREMENTED: 34 0x7f60a987f7a0 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a987f7a0 = 34
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 34
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 34
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 34
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 34
Time elapsed = 860
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 34 0x7f60a987f7a0 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a987f7a0 = 34
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 34
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Throwable
Wrote 52 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 36
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 36
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 36
Time elapsed = 1078
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 36 0x7f60a97e8380
INCREMENTED: 36 0x7f60a97e8380 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a97e8380 = 36
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 36
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 36
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 36
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 36
Time elapsed = 934
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 36 0x7f60a97e8380 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a97e8380 = 36
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 36
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/System
Wrote 49 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 39
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 39
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 39
Time elapsed = 983
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 39 0x7f60a97e8400
INCREMENTED: 39 0x7f60a97e8400 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a97e8400 = 39
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 39
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 39
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 39
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 39
Time elapsed = 863
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 39 0x7f60a97e8400 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a97e8400 = 39
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 39
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Boolean
Wrote 50 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 41
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 41
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 41
Time elapsed = 973
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 41 0x7f60a97e8480
INCREMENTED: 41 0x7f60a97e8480 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a97e8480 = 41
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 41
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 41
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 41
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 41
Time elapsed = 855
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 41 0x7f60a97e8480 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a97e8480 = 41
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 41
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Double
Wrote 49 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 44
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 44
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 44
Time elapsed = 1133
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 44 0x7f60a987f9c0
INCREMENTED: 44 0x7f60a987f9c0 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a987f9c0 = 44
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 44
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 44
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 44
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 44
Time elapsed = 1010
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 44 0x7f60a987f9c0 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a987f9c0 = 44
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 44
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/String
Wrote 49 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 49
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 49
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 49
Time elapsed = 1067
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 49 0x7f60a97e8740
INCREMENTED: 49 0x7f60a97e8740 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a97e8740 = 49
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 49
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 49
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 49
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 49
Time elapsed = 950
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 49 0x7f60a97e8740 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a97e8740 = 49
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 49
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Void
Wrote 47 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 47
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 47
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 47
Time elapsed = 8131
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 47 0x7f60a97d9c40
INCREMENTED: 47 0x7f60a97d9c40 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a97d9c40 = 47
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 47
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 47
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 47
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 47
Time elapsed = 1098
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 47 0x7f60a97d9c40 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a97d9c40 = 47
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 47
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/applet/Applet
Wrote 51 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 50
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 50
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 50
Time elapsed = 1044
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 50 0x7f60a97d9cc0
INCREMENTED: 50 0x7f60a97d9cc0 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: FindClass result: a97d9cc0 = 50
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::FindClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 50
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 50
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 50
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 50
Time elapsed = 925
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 50 0x7f60a97d9cc0 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a97d9cc0 = 50
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 50
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getMethods ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
Wrote 78 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 15
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 15
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 15
Time elapsed = 1152
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 15 0x7f60a97d9d80
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 15 0x7f60a97d9d80
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97d9d80 = 15, ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getConstructors ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;
Wrote 88 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 16
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 16
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 16
Time elapsed = 1028
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 16 0x7f60a9971560
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 16 0x7f60a9971560
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a9971560 = 16, ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getFields ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
Wrote 76 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 17
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 17
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 17
Time elapsed = 1403
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 17 0x7f60a97d9ff0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 17 0x7f60a97d9ff0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97d9ff0 = 17, ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
Wrote 66 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 18
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 18
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 18
Time elapsed = 1049
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 18 0x7f60a97da120
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 18 0x7f60a97da120
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97da120 = 18, ()Ljava/lang/String;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 isArray ()Z
Wrote 49 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 19
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 19
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 19
Time elapsed = 1855
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 19 0x7f60a97da570
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 19 0x7f60a97da570
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97da570 = 19, ()Z
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getComponentType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
Wrote 74 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 20
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 20
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 20
Time elapsed = 1785
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 20 0x7f60a9773120
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 20 0x7f60a9773120
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a9773120 = 20, ()Ljava/lang/Class;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getModifiers ()I
Wrote 54 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 21
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 21
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 21
Time elapsed = 1057
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 21 0x7f60a996a900
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 21 0x7f60a996a900
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a996a900 = 21, ()I
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
Wrote 66 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 23
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 23
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 23
Time elapsed = 999
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 23 0x7f60a97dc9a0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 23 0x7f60a97dc9a0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dc9a0 = 23, ()Ljava/lang/String;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
Wrote 76 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 24
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 24
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 24
Time elapsed = 1039
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 24 0x7f60a97dcab0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 24 0x7f60a97dcab0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dcab0 = 24, ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getReturnType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
Wrote 71 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 25
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 25
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 25
Time elapsed = 1286
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 25 0x7f60a97dcbc0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 25 0x7f60a97dcbc0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dcbc0 = 25, ()Ljava/lang/Class;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getModifiers ()I
Wrote 54 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 26
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 26
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 26
Time elapsed = 1038
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 26 0x7f60a97dcc90
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 26 0x7f60a97dcc90
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dcc90 = 26, ()I
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 27 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
Wrote 76 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 28
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 28
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 28
Time elapsed = 1024
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 28 0x7f60a97dcde0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 28 0x7f60a97dcde0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dcde0 = 28, ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 27 getModifiers ()I
Wrote 54 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 29
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 29
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 29
Time elapsed = 1047
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 29 0x7f60a97dceb0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 29 0x7f60a97dceb0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dceb0 = 29, ()I
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
Wrote 66 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 31
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 31
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 31
Time elapsed = 984
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 31 0x7f60a97dd000
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 31 0x7f60a97dd000
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dd000 = 31, ()Ljava/lang/String;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
Wrote 65 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 32
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 32
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 32
Time elapsed = 995
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 32 0x7f60a97dd110
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 32 0x7f60a97dd110
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dd110 = 32, ()Ljava/lang/Class;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getModifiers ()I
Wrote 54 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 33
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 33
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 33
Time elapsed = 1016
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 33 0x7f60a97dd1e0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 33 0x7f60a97dd1e0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dd1e0 = 33, ()I
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 34 newInstance (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object;
Wrote 94 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 35
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 35
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 35
Time elapsed = 1380
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 35 0x7f60a987fa50
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 35 0x7f60a987fa50
RECEIVE_ID: GetStaticMethodID result: a987fa50 = 35, (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetStaticMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 36 toString ()Ljava/lang/String;
Wrote 67 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 37
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 37
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 37
Time elapsed = 1020
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 37 0x7f60a97dd3b0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 37 0x7f60a97dd3b0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97dd3b0 = 37, ()Ljava/lang/String;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 36 getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;
Wrote 69 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 38
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 38
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 38
Time elapsed = 995
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 38 0x7f60a97da2d0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 38 0x7f60a97da2d0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97da2d0 = 38, ()Ljava/lang/String;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 44 doubleValue ()D
Wrote 53 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 45
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 45
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 45
Time elapsed = 1058
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 45 0x7f60a97da3a0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 45 0x7f60a97da3a0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97da3a0 = 45, ()D
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 41 booleanValue ()Z
Wrote 54 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 42
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 42
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 42
Time elapsed = 947
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 42 0x7f60a97da4b0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 42 0x7f60a97da4b0
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97da4b0 = 42, ()Z
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 39 identityHashCode (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
Wrote 82 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 40
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 40
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 40
Time elapsed = 1057
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 40 0x7f60a97e91b0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 40 0x7f60a97e91b0
RECEIVE_ID: GetStaticMethodID result: a97e91b0 = 40, (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetStaticMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 41 <init> (Z)V
Wrote 49 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 43
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 43
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 43
Time elapsed = 955
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 43 0x7f60a97e9250
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 43 0x7f60a97e9250
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97e9250 = 43, (Z)V
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 44 <init> (D)V
Wrote 49 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 46
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 46
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 46
Time elapsed = 1229
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 46 0x7f60a97e9360
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 46 0x7f60a97e9360
RECEIVE_ID: GetMethodID result: a97e9360 = 46, (D)V
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetMethodID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 47 TYPE Ljava/lang/Class;
Wrote 65 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 48
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 48
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 48
Time elapsed = 944
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 48 0x7f60a97e94c0
JNIID CONSTRUCT: 48 0x7f60a97e94c0
RECEIVE_ID: GetStaticFieldID result: a97e94c0 = 48, Ljava/lang/Class;
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetStaticFieldID return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission GetStaticField 47 48
Wrote 112 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticField 52
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticField 52
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticField 52
Time elapsed = 9890
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 52 0x7f60a9773a10
INCREMENTED: 52 0x7f60a9773a10 to: 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ParseValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetStaticField return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 52
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 52
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 52
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 52
Time elapsed = 921
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 52 0x7f60a9773a10 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a9773a10 = 52
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetObjectClass 51
Wrote 40 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetObjectClass 53
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetObjectClass 53
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetObjectClass 53
Time elapsed = 777
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 53 0x7f60a987f830
INCREMENTED: 53 0x7f60a987f830 to: 1
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: GetObjectClass result: a987f830 = 53
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetObjectClass return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallStaticMethod
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ExpandArgs return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53
Wrote 118 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
Time elapsed = 1386
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ParseValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallStaticMethod return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ExpandArgs return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 18
Wrote 109 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod 54
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod 54
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod 54
Time elapsed = 1645
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 54 0x7f60a97ea6c0
INCREMENTED: 54 0x7f60a97ea6c0 to: 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ParseValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallMethod return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ExceptionOccurred
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 ExceptionOccurred
Wrote 40 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 ExceptionOccurred 0
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 ExceptionOccurred 0
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 ExceptionOccurred 0
Time elapsed = 839
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: ExceptionOccurred result: 0 = 0
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ExceptionOccurred return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetStringUTFChars 54
Wrote 43 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStringUTFChars 26 63 6f 6d 2e 66 6c 75 65 6e 64 6f 2e 70 6c 61 79 65 72 2e 43 6f 72 74 61 64 6f PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStringUTFChars 26 63 6f 6d 2e 66 6c 75 65 6e 64 6f 2e 70 6c 61 79 65 72 2e 43 6f 72 74 61 64 6f
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStringUTFChars 26 63 6f 6d 2e 66 6c 75 65 6e 64 6f 2e 70 6c 61 79 65 72 2e 43 6f 72 74 61 64 6f
Time elapsed = 991
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
PLUGIN GOT RETURN UTF-8 STRING: com.fluendo.player.Cortado
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
Setting result to: com.fluendo.player.Cortado
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetStringUTFChars return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 54
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 53
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 53
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 53
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 53
Time elapsed = 1040
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 53 0x7f60a987f830 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a987f830 = 53
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ExpandArgs return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 19
Wrote 109 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod false
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod false
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod false
Time elapsed = 1762
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ParseValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallMethod return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ExpandArgs return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 21
Wrote 109 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod 1
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod 1
Time elapsed = 1114
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ParseValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallMethod return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallStaticMethod
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ExpandArgs return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53
Wrote 118 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
Time elapsed = 1070
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ParseValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallStaticMethod return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 IsInstanceOf 51 1
Wrote 40 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 IsInstanceOf 0
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 IsInstanceOf 0
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 IsInstanceOf 0
Time elapsed = 782
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IsInstanceOf return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallStaticMethod
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ExpandArgs return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 51
Wrote 118 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 503262747
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 503262747
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 503262747
Time elapsed = 1052
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ParseValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallStaticMethod return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallStaticMethod
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ExpandArgs return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53
Wrote 118 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
Time elapsed = 1014
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::ParseValue return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::CallStaticMethod return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 51
Wrote 38 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 51
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 51
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 51
Time elapsed = 814
Looking in map for 2 and found = -1412237744
Curr val = 0x7f60abd2f650
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
INCREMENTED: 51 0x7f60a97e6af0 to: 2
RECEIVE_REFERENCE: NewGlobalRef result: a97e6af0 = 51
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 53
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DeleteLocalRef return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: window already exists.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: window already exists.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: window already exists.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: window already exists.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: window already exists.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow: window already exists.
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SetWindow return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: instance 1 GetWindow
  PIPE: plugin read: instance 1 GetWindow
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: instance 1 GetWindow
GetWindow instance: -1450635936
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
HERE 22: 0
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: get component manager
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: thread manager
HERE 23: 0, 0x255be70
GETTING PEER!!!: 0x7f60a9affd20
DONE GETTING PEER!!!: 0x7f60a9affd20, 0x7f60a9affd20
GETTING PEER!!!: 0x7f60a9affd20
DONE GETTING PEER!!!: 0x7f60a9affd20, 0x7f60a9affd20
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: get window
HERE 24: -1451537664
HERE 20: -1451537664
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 JavaScriptGetWindow -1451537664
Wrote 42 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: instance 0 Call -1451537664 55 56
  PIPE: plugin read: instance 0 Call -1451537664 55 56
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: instance 0 Call -1451537664 55 56
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse javascript id
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse method name id
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse args id
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 55 0x7f60a7e18e30
INCREMENTED: 55 0x7f60a7e18e30 to: 1
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetStringLength 55
Wrote 41 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStringLength 6
  PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStringLength 6
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStringLength 6
Time elapsed = 3529
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetStringLength return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::IncrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer
Writing to JVM: context 0 reference 2 GetStringChars 55
Wrote 40 bytes to pipe
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::SendMessageToAppletViewer return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback
Received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStringChars 12 75 0 70 0 64 0 61 0 74 0 65 0 PIPE: plugin read: context 0 reference 2 GetStringChars 12 75 0 70 0 64 0 61 0 74 0 65 0
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: plugin_in_pipe_callback return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM
received message: context 0 reference 2 GetStringChars 12 75 0 70 0 64 0 61 0 74 0 65 0
Time elapsed = 4543
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: parse integer
PLUGIN GOT RETURN UTF-16 STRING: 12: update??????
Processing complete
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: Instance::ConsumeMsgFromJVM return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::DecrementContextCounter return
ICEDTEA PLUGIN: JNIEnv::GetStringChars return
JNIReference CONSTRUCT: 56 0x7f60a9af1350
INCREMENTED: 56 0x7f60a9af1350 to: 1
CALL: -1451537664, 6
/usr/lib64/firefox-3.0.2/ line 131: 6485 Segmentation fault "$prog" ${1+"$@"}
[patrick@localhost ~]$

Current context CL=sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@28df6ccd
Loaded: sun.applet.PluginAppletViewer[frame0,0,25,0x0,invalid,hidden,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=,resizable,normal] CL=null
Creating consumer...
Creating worker 0
Creating worker 1
Creating worker 2
Streams initialized
Waiting for data...
  PIPE: appletviewer read: instance 1 tag <applet archive="/global/cortado.jar" code="com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class" mayscript="" height="288" width="368">      <param name="url" value="";>      <param name="local" value="false">      <param name="video" value="true">      <param name="audio" value="true">      <param name="seekable" value="true">      <param name="duration" value="3717">	  <param name="debug" value="1">      <param name="callback" value="update">      <param name="bufferSize" value="300">	  <param name="showStatus" value="show">	  <param name="keepAspect" value="true">    </applet></embed>
Consumer received message instance 1 tag <applet archive="/global/cortado.jar" code="com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class" mayscript="" height="288" width="368">      <param name="url" value="";>      <param name="local" value="false">      <param name="video" value="true">      <param name="audio" value="true">      <param name="seekable" value="true">      <param name="duration" value="3717">	  <param name="debug" value="1">      <param name="callback" value="update">      <param name="bufferSize" value="300">	  <param name="showStatus" value="show">	  <param name="keepAspect" value="true">    </applet></embed>
Message instance 1 tag <applet archive="/global/cortado.jar" code="com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class" mayscript="" height="288" width="368">      <param name="url" value="";>      <param name="local" value="false">      <param name="video" value="true">      <param name="audio" value="true">      <param name="seekable" value="true">      <param name="duration" value="3717">	  <param name="debug" value="1">      <param name="callback" value="update">      <param name="bufferSize" value="300">	  <param name="showStatus" value="show">	  <param name="keepAspect" value="true">    </applet></embed> added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: instance identifier: 1 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "tag <applet archive="/global/cortado.jar" code="com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class" mayscript="" height="288" width="368">      <param name="url" value="";>      <param name="local" value="false">      <param name="video" value="true">      <param name="audio" value="true">      <param name="seekable" value="true">      <param name="duration" value="3717">	  <param name="debug" value="1">      <param name="callback" value="update">      <param name="bufferSize" value="300">	  <param name="showStatus" value="show">	  <param name="keepAspect" value="true">    </applet></embed>"
PAV handling: tag <applet archive="/global/cortado.jar" code="com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class" mayscript="" height="288" width="368">      <param name="url" value="";>      <param name="local" value="false">      <param name="video" value="true">      <param name="audio" value="true">      <param name="seekable" value="true">      <param name="duration" value="3717">	  <param name="debug" value="1">      <param name="callback" value="update">      <param name="bufferSize" value="300">	  <param name="showStatus" value="show">	  <param name="keepAspect" value="true">    </applet></embed>
REQUEST TAG: <applet archive="/global/cortado.jar" code="com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class" mayscript="" height="288" width="368">      <param name="url" value="";>      <param name="local" value="false">      <param name="video" value="true">      <param name="audio" value="true">      <param name="seekable" value="true">      <param name="duration" value="3717">	  <param name="debug" value="1">      <param name="callback" value="update">      <param name="bufferSize" value="300">	  <param name="showStatus" value="show">	  <param name="keepAspect" value="true">    </applet></embed> Thread[Thread-1,5,main]
Waiting for data...
  PIPE: appletviewer read: instance 1 handle 75500539
Consumer received message instance 1 handle 75500539
Message instance 1 handle 75500539 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: instance identifier: 1 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "handle 75500539"
PAV handling: handle 75500539
REQUEST HANDLE, PARSING Thread[Thread-1,5,main]
PUT archive = '/global/cortado.jar'
PUT code = 'com.fluendo.player.Cortado.class'
PUT mayscript = ''
PUT height = '288'
PUT width = '368'
PUT name = 'url'
PUT value = ''
PUT name = 'local'
PUT value = 'false'
PUT name = 'video'
PUT value = 'true'
PUT name = 'audio'
PUT value = 'true'
PUT name = 'seekable'
PUT value = 'true'
PUT name = 'duration'
PUT value = '3717'
PUT name = 'debug'
PUT value = '1'
PUT name = 'callback'
PUT value = 'update'
PUT name = 'bufferSize'
PUT value = '300'
PUT name = 'showStatus'
PUT value = 'show'
PUT name = 'keepAspect'
PUT value = 'true'
Waiting for data...
PARSING: PUTTING 1 sun.applet.PluginAppletViewer[frame1,0,25,368x288,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=,resizable,normal]
WRITING 2: instance 1 status starting applet...
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: instance 1 status starting applet...
Jar string: /global/cortado.jar
jars length: 1
Waiting for applet to initialize... 
Waiting for applet to initialize... 
Waiting for applet to initialize... 
WRITING 2: instance 1 status Applet loaded.
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: instance 1 status Applet loaded.
WRITING 2: instance 1 status Applet initialized.
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: instance 1 status Applet initialized.
Waiting for applet to initialize... 
Applet initialized
Associating net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPClassLoader@773c550f with
WRITING 2: instance 1 initialized
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: instance 1 initialized
REQUEST HANDLE, DONE PARSING Thread[Thread-1,5,main]
  PIPE: appletviewer read: instance 1 width 368 height 288
Consumer received message instance 1 width 368 height 288
Message instance 1 width 368 height 288 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: instance identifier: 1 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "width 368 height 288"
PAV handling: width 368 height 288
HANDLING MESSAGE width 368 height 288 instance 1 Thread[Thread-1,5,main]
  PIPE: appletviewer read: instance 1 reference 0 GetJavaObject
Consumer received message instance 1 reference 0 GetJavaObject
Message instance 1 reference 0 GetJavaObject added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: instance identifier: 1 reference: 0 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetJavaObject"
PAV handling: GetJavaObject
HANDLING MESSAGE GetJavaObject instance 1 Thread[Thread-1,5,main]
Looking for object com.fluendo.player.Cortado[panel0,0,0,368x288,hidden,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout] panel is net.sourceforge.jnlp.NetxPanel[panel1,0,0,368x288,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout]
WRITING 1: context 0 reference 0 GetJavaObject 51
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 0 GetJavaObject 51
WRITING 2: instance 1 status Applet started.
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: instance 1 status Applet started.
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSObject
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSObject
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSObject added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass netscape/javascript/JSObject"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass netscape/javascript/JSObject
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass netscape/javascript/JSObject CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 1
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 1
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 1
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 1
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 1 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 1"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 1
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 1 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 1
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 1
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 1
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 1
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 1 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSException
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSException
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSException added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 1"
Found free worker with id 1
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 1 woken...
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 1
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 1 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass netscape/javascript/JSException"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass netscape/javascript/JSException
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass netscape/javascript/JSException CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 2
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 2
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 2
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 2
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 2 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 2"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 2
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 2 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 2
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 2
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 2
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 2
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 2 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSUtil
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSUtil
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass netscape/javascript/JSUtil added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 1
Consumer thread 1 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass netscape/javascript/JSUtil"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass netscape/javascript/JSUtil
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass netscape/javascript/JSUtil CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 11
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 11
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 2"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 2
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 2 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Waiting for data...
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 11
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 11
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 11 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 11"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 11
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 11 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 11
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 11
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 11
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 11
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 11 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 2 <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 2 <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 11"
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 2 <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 11
Found free worker with id 1
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 11 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
Consumer thread 1 woken...
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 2 <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 2 <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 2 <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public netscape.javascript.JSException(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int) has id 3
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 3
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 3
Waiting for data...
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 2 <init> (ILjava/lang/Object;)V
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 2 <init> (ILjava/lang/Object;)V
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 2 <init> (ILjava/lang/Object;)V added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 2 <init> (ILjava/lang/Object;)V"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 2 <init> (ILjava/lang/Object;)V
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 2 <init> (ILjava/lang/Object;)V CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public netscape.javascript.JSException(int,java.lang.Object) has id 4
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 4
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 4
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 lineno I
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 lineno I
Message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 lineno I added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetFieldID 2 lineno I"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetFieldID 2 lineno I
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetFieldID 2 lineno I CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStaticFieldID 5
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 5
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 tokenIndex I
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 tokenIndex I
Message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 tokenIndex I added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetFieldID 2 tokenIndex I"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetFieldID 2 tokenIndex I
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetFieldID 2 tokenIndex I CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStaticFieldID 6
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 6
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 source Ljava/lang/String;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 source Ljava/lang/String;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 source Ljava/lang/String; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetFieldID 2 source Ljava/lang/String;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetFieldID 2 source Ljava/lang/String;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetFieldID 2 source Ljava/lang/String; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStaticFieldID 7
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 7
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 filename Ljava/lang/String;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 filename Ljava/lang/String;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 filename Ljava/lang/String; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetFieldID 2 filename Ljava/lang/String;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetFieldID 2 filename Ljava/lang/String;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetFieldID 2 filename Ljava/lang/String; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStaticFieldID 8
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 8
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 wrappedExceptionType I
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 wrappedExceptionType I
Message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 wrappedExceptionType I added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetFieldID 2 wrappedExceptionType I"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetFieldID 2 wrappedExceptionType I
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetFieldID 2 wrappedExceptionType I CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStaticFieldID 9
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 9
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 wrappedException Ljava/lang/Object;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 wrappedException Ljava/lang/Object;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetFieldID 2 wrappedException Ljava/lang/Object; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetFieldID 2 wrappedException Ljava/lang/Object;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetFieldID 2 wrappedException Ljava/lang/Object;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetFieldID 2 wrappedException Ljava/lang/Object; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStaticFieldID 10
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 10
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 11 getStackTrace (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 11 getStackTrace (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 11 getStackTrace (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetStaticMethodID 11 getStackTrace (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetStaticMethodID 11 getStackTrace (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetStaticMethodID 11 getStackTrace (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public static java.lang.String netscape.javascript.JSUtil.getStackTrace(java.lang.Throwable) has id 12
appletviewer writing GetStaticMethodID 12
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 12
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Object
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Object
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Object added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/Object"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/Object
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/Object CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 13
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 13
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 13
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 13
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 13 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 13"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 13
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 13 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 13
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 13
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 13
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 13
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 13 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 13"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 13
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 13 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Class
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Class
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Class added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/Class"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/Class
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/Class CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 14
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 14
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 14
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 14
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 14 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 14"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 14
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 14 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 14
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 14
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 14
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 14
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 14 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 14"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 14
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 14 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Method
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Method
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Method added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/reflect/Method"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/reflect/Method
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/reflect/Method CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 22
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 22
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 22
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 22
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 22 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 22"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 22
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 22 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 22
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 22
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 22
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 22
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 22 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 22"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 22
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 22 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Constructor
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Constructor
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Constructor added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/reflect/Constructor"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/reflect/Constructor
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/reflect/Constructor CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 27
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 27
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 27
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 27
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 27 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 27"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 27
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 27 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 27
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 27
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 27
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 27
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 27 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 27"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 27
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 27 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Field
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Field
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Field added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/reflect/Field"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/reflect/Field
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/reflect/Field CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 30
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 30
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 30
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 30
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 30 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 30"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 30
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 30 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 30
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 30
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 30
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 30
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 30 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 30"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 30
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 30 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Array
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Array
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/reflect/Array added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/reflect/Array"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/reflect/Array
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/reflect/Array CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 34
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 34
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 34
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 34
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 34 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 34"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 34
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 34 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 34
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 34
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 34
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 34
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 34 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 34"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 34
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 34 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Throwable
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Throwable
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Throwable added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/Throwable"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/Throwable
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/Throwable CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 36
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 36
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 36
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 36
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 36 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 36"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 36
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 36 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 36
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 36
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 36
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 36
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 36 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 36"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 36
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 36 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/System
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/System
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/System added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/System"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/System
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/System CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 39
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 39
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 39
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 39
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 39 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 39"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 39
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 39 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 39
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 39
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 39
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 39
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 39 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 39"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 39
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 39 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Boolean
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Boolean
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Boolean added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/Boolean"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/Boolean
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/Boolean CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 41
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 41
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 41
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 41
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 41 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 41"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 41
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 41 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 41
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 41
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 41
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 41
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 41 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 41"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 41
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 41 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Double
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Double
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Double added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/Double"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/Double
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/Double CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 44
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 44
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 44
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 44
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 44 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 44"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 44
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 44 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 44
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 44
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 44
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 44
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 44 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 44"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 44
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 44 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/String
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/String
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/String added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/String"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/String
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/String CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 49
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 49
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 49
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 49
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 49 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 49"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 49
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 49 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 49
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 49
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 49
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 49
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 49 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 49"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 49
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 49 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Void
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Void
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/lang/Void added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/lang/Void"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/lang/Void
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/lang/Void CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 47
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 47
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 47
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 47
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 47 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 47"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 47
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 47 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 47
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 47
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 47
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 47
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 47 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 47"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 47
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 47 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/applet/Applet
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/applet/Applet
Message context 0 reference 2 FindClass java/applet/Applet added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "FindClass java/applet/Applet"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and FindClass java/applet/Applet
0 -- null -- 2 -- FindClass java/applet/Applet CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing FindClass 50
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 FindClass 50
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 50
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 50
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 50 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 50"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 50
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 50 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 50
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 50
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 50
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 50
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 50 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 50"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 50
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 50 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getMethods ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getMethods ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getMethods ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 14 getMethods ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 14 getMethods ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 14 getMethods ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.reflect.Method[] java.lang.Class.getMethods() throws java.lang.SecurityException has id 15
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 15
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 15
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getConstructors ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getConstructors ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getConstructors ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 14 getConstructors ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 14 getConstructors ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 14 getConstructors ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.reflect.Constructor[] java.lang.Class.getConstructors() throws java.lang.SecurityException has id 16
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 16
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 16
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getFields ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getFields ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getFields ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 14 getFields ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 14 getFields ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 14 getFields ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.reflect.Field[] java.lang.Class.getFields() throws java.lang.SecurityException has id 17
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 17
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 17
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getName ()Ljava/lang/String; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 14 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 14 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 14 getName ()Ljava/lang/String; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.String java.lang.Class.getName() has id 18
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 18
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 18
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 isArray ()Z
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 isArray ()Z
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 isArray ()Z added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 14 isArray ()Z"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 14 isArray ()Z
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 14 isArray ()Z CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public native boolean java.lang.Class.isArray() has id 19
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 19
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 19
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getComponentType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getComponentType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getComponentType ()Ljava/lang/Class; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 14 getComponentType ()Ljava/lang/Class;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 14 getComponentType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 14 getComponentType ()Ljava/lang/Class; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public native java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.getComponentType() has id 20
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 20
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 20
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getModifiers ()I
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getModifiers ()I
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 14 getModifiers ()I added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 14 getModifiers ()I"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 14 getModifiers ()I
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 14 getModifiers ()I CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public native int java.lang.Class.getModifiers() has id 21
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 21
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 21
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getName ()Ljava/lang/String; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 22 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 22 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 22 getName ()Ljava/lang/String; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.String java.lang.reflect.Method.getName() has id 23
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 23
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 23
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 22 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 22 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 22 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.Class[] java.lang.reflect.Method.getParameterTypes() has id 24
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 24
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 24
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getReturnType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getReturnType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getReturnType ()Ljava/lang/Class; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 22 getReturnType ()Ljava/lang/Class;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 22 getReturnType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 22 getReturnType ()Ljava/lang/Class; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Method.getReturnType() has id 25
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 25
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 25
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getModifiers ()I
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getModifiers ()I
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 22 getModifiers ()I added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 22 getModifiers ()I"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 22 getModifiers ()I
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 22 getModifiers ()I CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public int java.lang.reflect.Method.getModifiers() has id 26
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 26
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 26
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 27 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 27 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 27 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 27 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 27 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 27 getParameterTypes ()[Ljava/lang/Class; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.Class[] java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes() has id 28
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 28
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 28
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 27 getModifiers ()I
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 27 getModifiers ()I
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 27 getModifiers ()I added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 27 getModifiers ()I"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 27 getModifiers ()I
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 27 getModifiers ()I CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public int java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getModifiers() has id 29
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 29
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 29
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getName ()Ljava/lang/String; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 30 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 30 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 30 getName ()Ljava/lang/String; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.String java.lang.reflect.Field.getName() has id 31
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 31
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 31
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getType ()Ljava/lang/Class; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 30 getType ()Ljava/lang/Class;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 30 getType ()Ljava/lang/Class;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 30 getType ()Ljava/lang/Class; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Field.getType() has id 32
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 32
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 32
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getModifiers ()I
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getModifiers ()I
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 30 getModifiers ()I added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 30 getModifiers ()I"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 30 getModifiers ()I
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 30 getModifiers ()I CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public int java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers() has id 33
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 33
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 33
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 34 newInstance (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 34 newInstance (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 34 newInstance (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetStaticMethodID 34 newInstance (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetStaticMethodID 34 newInstance (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetStaticMethodID 34 newInstance (Ljava/lang/Class;I)Ljava/lang/Object; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public static java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Class,int) throws java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException has id 35
appletviewer writing GetStaticMethodID 35
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 35
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 36 toString ()Ljava/lang/String;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 36 toString ()Ljava/lang/String;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 36 toString ()Ljava/lang/String; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 36 toString ()Ljava/lang/String;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 36 toString ()Ljava/lang/String;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 36 toString ()Ljava/lang/String; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.String java.lang.Throwable.toString() has id 37
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 37
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 37
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 36 getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 36 getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 36 getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 36 getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 36 getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 36 getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.String java.lang.Throwable.getMessage() has id 38
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 38
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 38
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 44 doubleValue ()D
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 44 doubleValue ()D
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 44 doubleValue ()D added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 44 doubleValue ()D"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 44 doubleValue ()D
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 44 doubleValue ()D CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public double java.lang.Double.doubleValue() has id 45
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 45
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 45
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 41 booleanValue ()Z
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 41 booleanValue ()Z
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 41 booleanValue ()Z added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 41 booleanValue ()Z"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 41 booleanValue ()Z
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 41 booleanValue ()Z CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public boolean java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue() has id 42
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 42
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 42
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 39 identityHashCode (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 39 identityHashCode (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
Message context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 39 identityHashCode (Ljava/lang/Object;)I added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetStaticMethodID 39 identityHashCode (Ljava/lang/Object;)I"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetStaticMethodID 39 identityHashCode (Ljava/lang/Object;)I
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetStaticMethodID 39 identityHashCode (Ljava/lang/Object;)I CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public static native int java.lang.System.identityHashCode(java.lang.Object) has id 40
appletviewer writing GetStaticMethodID 40
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticMethodID 40
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 41 <init> (Z)V
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 41 <init> (Z)V
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 41 <init> (Z)V added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 41 <init> (Z)V"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 41 <init> (Z)V
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 41 <init> (Z)V CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.Boolean(boolean) has id 43
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 43
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 43
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 44 <init> (D)V
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 44 <init> (D)V
Message context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 44 <init> (D)V added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetMethodID 44 <init> (D)V"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetMethodID 44 <init> (D)V
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetMethodID 44 <init> (D)V CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
public java.lang.Double(double) has id 46
appletviewer writing GetMethodID 46
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetMethodID 46
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 47 TYPE Ljava/lang/Class;
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 47 TYPE Ljava/lang/Class;
Message context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 47 TYPE Ljava/lang/Class; added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetStaticFieldID 47 TYPE Ljava/lang/Class;"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetStaticFieldID 47 TYPE Ljava/lang/Class;
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetStaticFieldID 47 TYPE Ljava/lang/Class; CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStaticFieldID 48
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticFieldID 48
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission GetStaticField 47 48
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission GetStaticField 47 48
Message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission GetStaticField 47 48 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: [System] privileges: [Ljava.lang.String;@212cb585 rest: "GetStaticField 47 48"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetStaticField 47 48
0 -- [System] -- 2 -- GetStaticField 47 48 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStaticField 52
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStaticField 52
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 52
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 52
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 52 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 52"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 52
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 52 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 52
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 52
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetObjectClass 51
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetObjectClass 51
Message context 0 reference 2 GetObjectClass 51 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetObjectClass 51"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetObjectClass 51
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetObjectClass 51 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetObjectClass 53
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetObjectClass 53
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53 
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53 
Message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53  added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: [System] privileges: [Ljava.lang.String;@51e2a069 rest: "CallStaticMethod 39 40 53"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and CallStaticMethod 39 40 53
0 -- [System] -- 2 -- CallStaticMethod 39 40 53 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
GOT: public static native int java.lang.System.identityHashCode(java.lang.Object)
appletviewer writing CallStaticMethod 1468735375
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 18 
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 18 
Message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 18  added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: [System] privileges: [Ljava.lang.String;@75cefde4 rest: "CallMethod 53 18"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and CallMethod 53 18
0 -- [System] -- 2 -- CallMethod 53 18 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
Calling method public java.lang.String java.lang.Class.getName() on object class com.fluendo.player.Cortado with [Ljava.lang.Object;@687ec028
Calling public java.lang.String java.lang.Class.getName() on class com.fluendo.player.Cortado with  CallMethod 53 18 and that returned: com.fluendo.player.Cortado of type class java.lang.String
appletviewer writing CallMethod 54
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod 54
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 ExceptionOccurred
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 ExceptionOccurred
Message context 0 reference 2 ExceptionOccurred added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "ExceptionOccurred"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and ExceptionOccurred
0 -- null -- 2 -- ExceptionOccurred CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing ExceptionOccurred 0
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 ExceptionOccurred 0
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetStringUTFChars 54
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetStringUTFChars 54
Message context 0 reference 2 GetStringUTFChars 54 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetStringUTFChars 54"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetStringUTFChars 54
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetStringUTFChars 54 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStringUTFChars 26 63 6f 6d 2e 66 6c 75 65 6e 64 6f 2e 70 6c 61 79 65 72 2e 43 6f 72 74 61 64 6f
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStringUTFChars 26 63 6f 6d 2e 66 6c 75 65 6e 64 6f 2e 70 6c 61 79 65 72 2e 43 6f 72 74 61 64 6f
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 54
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 54
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 54 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 53
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 53
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 53 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 1
Consumer thread 1 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 53"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 53
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 53 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 53
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 53
Waiting for data...
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 19 
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 19 
Message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 19  added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 1
Consumer thread 1 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: [System] privileges: [Ljava.lang.String;@6818c458 rest: "CallMethod 53 19"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and CallMethod 53 19
0 -- [System] -- 2 -- CallMethod 53 19 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
Calling method public native boolean java.lang.Class.isArray() on object class com.fluendo.player.Cortado with [Ljava.lang.Object;@3202a2cc
Calling public native boolean java.lang.Class.isArray() on class com.fluendo.player.Cortado with  CallMethod 53 19 and that returned: false of type class java.lang.Boolean
appletviewer writing CallMethod false
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod false
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 54"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 54
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 54 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 21 
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 21 
Message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallMethod 53 21  added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: [System] privileges: [Ljava.lang.String;@4b0e18ba rest: "CallMethod 53 21"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and CallMethod 53 21
0 -- [System] -- 2 -- CallMethod 53 21 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
Calling method public native int java.lang.Class.getModifiers() on object class com.fluendo.player.Cortado with [Ljava.lang.Object;@a7981d5
Calling public native int java.lang.Class.getModifiers() on class com.fluendo.player.Cortado with  CallMethod 53 21 and that returned: 1 of type class java.lang.Integer
appletviewer writing CallMethod 1
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 CallMethod 1
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53 
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53 
Message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53  added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: [System] privileges: [Ljava.lang.String;@2f3acc52 rest: "CallStaticMethod 39 40 53"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and CallStaticMethod 39 40 53
0 -- [System] -- 2 -- CallStaticMethod 39 40 53 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
GOT: public static native int java.lang.System.identityHashCode(java.lang.Object)
appletviewer writing CallStaticMethod 1468735375
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 IsInstanceOf 51 1
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 IsInstanceOf 51 1
Message context 0 reference 2 IsInstanceOf 51 1 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "IsInstanceOf 51 1"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and IsInstanceOf 51 1
0 -- null -- 2 -- IsInstanceOf 51 1 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing IsInstanceOf 0
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 IsInstanceOf 0
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 51 
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 51 
Message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 51  added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: [System] privileges: [Ljava.lang.String;@3d3c33b7 rest: "CallStaticMethod 39 40 51"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and CallStaticMethod 39 40 51
0 -- [System] -- 2 -- CallStaticMethod 39 40 51 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
GOT: public static native int java.lang.System.identityHashCode(java.lang.Object)
appletviewer writing CallStaticMethod 503262747
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 503262747
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53 
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53 
Message context 0 reference 2 src [System] privileges UniversalBrowserRead,UniversalJavaPermission CallStaticMethod 39 40 53  added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: [System] privileges: [Ljava.lang.String;@3b6752c9 rest: "CallStaticMethod 39 40 53"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and CallStaticMethod 39 40 53
0 -- [System] -- 2 -- CallStaticMethod 39 40 53 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
GOT: public static native int java.lang.System.identityHashCode(java.lang.Object)
appletviewer writing CallStaticMethod 1468735375
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 CallStaticMethod 1468735375
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 51
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 51
Message context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 51 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "NewGlobalRef 51"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and NewGlobalRef 51
0 -- null -- 2 -- NewGlobalRef 51 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing NewGlobalRef 51
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 NewGlobalRef 51
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 53
Consumer received message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 53
Message context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef 53 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "DeleteLocalRef 53"
Sending to PASC: 0/-1 and DeleteLocalRef 53
0 -- null -- -1 -- DeleteLocalRef 53 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing DeleteLocalRef
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference -1 DeleteLocalRef
STARTING getWindow
STARTING postCallRequest
STARTING postCallRequest done
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: instance 1 GetWindow
wait request 1
wait request 2
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 JavaScriptGetWindow -1451537664
Consumer received message context 0 JavaScriptGetWindow -1451537664
Message context 0 JavaScriptGetWindow -1451537664 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: -1 src: null privileges: null rest: "JavaScriptGetWindow -1451537664"
GetWINDOWparseReturn GOT: JavaScriptGetWindow -1451537664
wait request 3
GOT IT: -1451537664
JSObject int CONSTRUCTOR update 1
GetMEMBerPLUGINCAlL instance 0 Call -1451537664 55 56 JavaScriptCall
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: instance 0 Call -1451537664 55 56
wait call request 1
wait call request 2
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetStringLength 55
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetStringLength 55
Message context 0 reference 2 GetStringLength 55 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetStringLength 55"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetStringLength 55
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetStringLength 55 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
appletviewer writing GetStringLength 6
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStringLength 6
  PIPE: appletviewer read: context 0 reference 2 GetStringChars 55
Consumer received message context 0 reference 2 GetStringChars 55
Message context 0 reference 2 GetStringChars 55 added to queue. Looking for free worker...
Found free worker with id 0
Waiting for data...
Consumer thread 0 woken...
Breakdown -- type: context identifier: 0 reference: 2 src: null privileges: null rest: "GetStringChars 55"
Sending to PASC: 0/2 and GetStringChars 55
0 -- null -- 2 -- GetStringChars 55 CONTEXT= sun.applet.PluginAppletSecurityContext@5d90b72c
Java: GetStringChars: update
  String BYTES: 12 75 0 70 0 64 0 61 0 74 0 65 0
appletviewer writing GetStringChars 12 75 0 70 0 64 0 61 0 74 0 65 0
  PIPE: appletviewer wrote: context 0 reference 2 GetStringChars 12 75 0 70 0 64 0 61 0 74 0 65 0
  PIPE: appletviewer read: null
1::class netscape.javascript.JSObject
2::class netscape.javascript.JSException
3::public netscape.javascript.JSException(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)
4::public netscape.javascript.JSException(int,java.lang.Object)
5::public int netscape.javascript.JSException.lineno
6::public int netscape.javascript.JSException.tokenIndex
7::public java.lang.String netscape.javascript.JSException.source
8::public java.lang.String netscape.javascript.JSException.filename
9::public int netscape.javascript.JSException.wrappedExceptionType
10::public java.lang.Object netscape.javascript.JSException.wrappedException
11::class netscape.javascript.JSUtil
12::public static java.lang.String netscape.javascript.JSUtil.getStackTrace(java.lang.Throwable)
13::class java.lang.Object
14::class java.lang.Class
15::public java.lang.reflect.Method[] java.lang.Class.getMethods() throws java.lang.SecurityException
17::public java.lang.reflect.Field[] java.lang.Class.getFields() throws java.lang.SecurityException
16::public java.lang.reflect.Constructor[] java.lang.Class.getConstructors() throws java.lang.SecurityException
19::public native boolean java.lang.Class.isArray()
18::public java.lang.String java.lang.Class.getName()
21::public native int java.lang.Class.getModifiers()
20::public native java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.getComponentType()
23::public java.lang.String java.lang.reflect.Method.getName()
22::class java.lang.reflect.Method
25::public java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Method.getReturnType()
24::public java.lang.Class[] java.lang.reflect.Method.getParameterTypes()
27::class java.lang.reflect.Constructor
26::public int java.lang.reflect.Method.getModifiers()
29::public int java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getModifiers()
28::public java.lang.Class[] java.lang.reflect.Constructor.getParameterTypes()
31::public java.lang.String java.lang.reflect.Field.getName()
30::class java.lang.reflect.Field
34::class java.lang.reflect.Array
35::public static java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Class,int) throws java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
32::public java.lang.Class java.lang.reflect.Field.getType()
33::public int java.lang.reflect.Field.getModifiers()
38::public java.lang.String java.lang.Throwable.getMessage()
39::class java.lang.System
36::class java.lang.Throwable
37::public java.lang.String java.lang.Throwable.toString()
42::public boolean java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()
43::public java.lang.Boolean(boolean)
40::public static native int java.lang.System.identityHashCode(java.lang.Object)
41::class java.lang.Boolean
46::public java.lang.Double(double)
47::class java.lang.Void
44::class java.lang.Double
45::public double java.lang.Double.doubleValue()
50::class java.applet.Applet
49::class java.lang.String
48::public static final java.lang.Class java.lang.Void.TYPE
53::class com.fluendo.player.Cortado
APPLETVIEWER: exiting appletviewer
JNLPRuntime already initialized
[Message]: Pad: httpsrc:src [com.fluendo.plugin.HTTPSrc$1@8a2023] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating
[Message]: Pad: buffer:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@3545fe3b] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating
[Message]: Pad: v_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@41e3a0ec] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating
[Message]: Pad: a_queue:src [com.fluendo.plugin.Queue$1@57f7cdc7] type: STREAM_STATUS, start, reason: ok, activating
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