Fedora XO Display Test - meeting recap

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Fedora XO Display Test Meeting 
Date: 2008-10-26
Time: 6pm EDT (22:00 UTC)

= Attendees =
* jlaska
* TerryStewart
* blakesc
* ivazquez
* finalzone-x

= Team Name =

* Not sure who selected "Dream Broadcast", but until we can be more
creative, that's the name

= Test Plan Discussion =

* Test plan URL - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Display

* ivazquez noted that the XO keybindings aren't working and should be on
the test plan
** A hal keymap quirks file might be in order
** None of the keys on the display work as expected ... see scancode
table at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Keyboard_layouts

* Discussed hardware detection
** resolution and font dpi issue

* Discussed applications to use to verify Display
** xrandr - rotation, modes, detection
** gnome-display-properties - rotation, modes, detection
** glxgears - the classic "shouldn't die" test

* TerryStewart suggested a general expected behavior section for all
applications (no screen artifacts etc...)
* Also list a series of high priority apps that will be touched on to
ensure proper display interaction
* blakesc suggested running VSW (Xorg Validation Suite)

* Additional Hardware support
** TerryStewart will test out a USB video adapter w/ the XO
** Anyone else have external adapters?

= Team Lead =

* finalzone-x (Luya) has volunteered as team lead for XO Display testing

= Future Meetings =

* 2008-11-02 @ 6pm EST (23:00 UTC)

= Action Items =

[       ] - talk to rhughes about hal XO detection?
[TerryStewart] - 
[blakesc] - gather and post details on running VSW in to the test plan
[jlaska] - ping Audio team to see if they are covering keyboard volume
Oct 26 17:48:24           --> | TerryStewart [n=TerrySte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-qa
Oct 26 17:49:15      <jlaska> | TerryStewart: greetings
Oct 26 17:49:34           --> | blakesc [n=blakesc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-qa
Oct 26 17:52:16 <TerryStewar> | Hello...  Just hanging out before doing some XO display testing...  :)
Oct 26 17:54:23      <jlaska> | TerryStewart: likely going to do some more planning than testing ... we need to iron our a few details first
Oct 26 17:56:37 <TerryStewar> | Yeah, good point.  :)  I've at least finally gotten things running, so that's a good step....
Oct 26 18:01:24      <jlaska> | TerryStewart: okay, so far it's just you and me :)
Oct 26 18:01:57           --- | jlaska has changed the topic to: Fedora QA Forum - XO Display test meeting (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Display)
Oct 26 18:02:00 <TerryStewar> | Well we'll just see what we can do.  :)
Oct 26 18:03:16             * | bpepple|lt takes a seat up in the bleachers.
Oct 26 18:03:17      <jlaska> | ivazquez: you around too?
Oct 26 18:03:25      <jlaska> | bpepple|lt: hey there ;)
Oct 26 18:03:27 <TerryStewar> | Btw, what I've currently got running is Swap2, so that's what I've been looking at to help plan
Oct 26 18:03:49      <jlaska> | blakesc: around?
Oct 26 18:03:56     <blakesc> | yup,
Oct 26 18:04:16      <jlaska> | ah good, okay we are 3 strong (with bpepple|lt watching from the distance)
Oct 26 18:05:28      <jlaska> | Okay, looks like we have blakesc, TerryStewart, ivazquez (idle), and myself
Oct 26 18:05:43      <jlaska> | okay, first order of business ... the team name
Oct 26 18:05:59      <jlaska> | Looks like someone has put a contender in the ring: "Dream Broadcast"
Oct 26 18:06:00    <ivazquez> | Pong.
Oct 26 18:06:09      <jlaska> | ivazquez: Hey there!
Oct 26 18:06:12    <ivazquez> | Hey.
Oct 26 18:06:46      <jlaska> | anyone want to vote or toss in other ideas for team names?
Oct 26 18:06:59             * | jlaska isn't sure who selected "Dream Broadcast"
Oct 26 18:08:29     <blakesc> | doesn't matter to me what the team's called
Oct 26 18:08:48      <jlaska> | heh, okay ... sounds like a vote for dream broadcast :)
Oct 26 18:08:51    <ivazquez> | I hate that name, but I don't have anything better.
Oct 26 18:10:00      <jlaska> | okay, we'll just stick with it until someone has something better ... my creative juices aren't flowing right now
Oct 26 18:10:09 <TerryStewar> | :)  sounds fair to me
Oct 26 18:10:39      <jlaska> | okay, let's talk test plan ...
Oct 26 18:10:55      <jlaska> | our current test plan consists of mental notes ... https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Display
Oct 26 18:11:51             * | ivazquez has to send his s3 notes to the ML
Oct 26 18:12:05    <ivazquez> | I've been doing some poking around, and here's what I've found.
Oct 26 18:12:16      <jlaska> | shoot
Oct 26 18:12:24    <ivazquez> | The brightness controls are actually F9 and F10.
Oct 26 18:12:54    <ivazquez> | However, s3 doesn't recognize the XO as a laptop and so doesn't enable the brightness keybindings in the Shortcuts tool.
Oct 26 18:13:04             * | jlaska notes ... so there's going to be a section on keybindings
Oct 26 18:13:06      <jlaska> | ?
Oct 26 18:13:33    <ivazquez> | Yes, but I think we need to redefine the keys altogether.
Oct 26 18:13:48    <ivazquez> | A few more notes, then I'll explain.
Oct 26 18:13:59      <jlaska> | okay
Oct 26 18:14:01    <ivazquez> | Gamepad interface.
Oct 26 18:14:08     <blakesc> | has anyone done a full xkb keyboard def for the xo?
Oct 26 18:14:20    <ivazquez> | The right controls are mapped to 1, 3, 7, and 9 on the numeric keypad.
Oct 26 18:14:40    <ivazquez> | The left controls are not mapped to anything, and result in log spew when pushed.
Oct 26 18:14:48    <ivazquez> | Same with the rotation control.
Oct 26 18:15:09      <jlaska> | https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=465390
Oct 26 18:15:11     <buggbot> | Bug 465390: medium, medium, ---, richard@xxxxxxxxxxx, NEW, Game keys aren't mapped
Oct 26 18:15:21 <TerryStewar> | There's a scan code tabe for the XO keyboard here: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Keyboard_layouts
Oct 26 18:15:21    <ivazquez> | I'm thinking that we need to build a HAL keymapping from scratch for the machine.
Oct 26 18:16:09      <jlaska> | ivazquez: is hal what normally would recognize the keys, or is that xmodmap?
Oct 26 18:16:28           --> | Evil_Sonar_Chick [n=Andrea@fedora/SonarGal] has joined #fedora-qa
Oct 26 18:16:44    <ivazquez> | hal works even outside of X, so we should deal with that.
Oct 26 18:16:50    <ivazquez> | Hang on...
Oct 26 18:17:04    <ivazquez> | http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/quirk/quirk-keymap-index.html
Oct 26 18:17:06      <jlaska> | true true
Oct 26 18:17:27    <ivazquez> | There is however one HUGE problem.
Oct 26 18:17:36    <ivazquez> | hal doesn't detect the XO.
Oct 26 18:18:10           <-- | mcepl has quit ("Leaving.")
Oct 26 18:18:11    <ivazquez> | So, not a laptop, can't set the keymapping, etc. etc. etc.
Oct 26 18:18:40    <ivazquez> | We need to talk to the hal people and figure out what's going on.
Oct 26 18:19:02           <-- | Sonar_Guy has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
Oct 26 18:19:27      <jlaska> | is there a bz for this?
Oct 26 18:19:39      <jlaska> | perhaps we can start there and point rhughes that direction?
Oct 26 18:19:51    <ivazquez> | I don't know. I haven't had a chance to collect my notes yet.
Oct 26 18:21:10    <ivazquez> | Looks like there isn't one. I'll open it.
Oct 26 18:21:27      <jlaska> | ivazquez: thanks, can you set it as blocks: FedoraOnXO ?
Oct 26 18:21:38    <ivazquez> | Can do.
Oct 26 18:22:09      <jlaska> | okay, I've added some notes/thoughts to the test plan https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Display
Oct 26 18:22:29      <jlaska> | are there any _keyboard_ related items not listed that we'll need to test?
Oct 26 18:22:51      <jlaska> | howabout that funky magnifying glass key, or the 2 keys on the top right of keyboard?
Oct 26 18:23:07    <ivazquez> | There are 3 buttons that result in log spew.
Oct 26 18:23:22    <ivazquez> | The loupe, the 2 rectangles, and the × key.
Oct 26 18:23:45    <ivazquez> | The hollow rectangle is actually Menu, and the 2 hand keys are Super_L and Super_R.
Oct 26 18:24:11    <ivazquez> | And my s3 image is gone again...
Oct 26 18:25:34      <jlaska> | okay, in terms of detecting hardware, which I thinkg ivazquez touched on already ... what might we need to test there?
Oct 26 18:26:06      <jlaska> | is the display and resolution properly detected ... touchpad, what else?
Oct 26 18:28:12    <ivazquez> | The resolution is detected properly, but the return value is useless due to the layout of the display.
Oct 26 18:28:35    <ivazquez> | Yes, it's 200 DPI. But it's 200 *single-color* DPI.
Oct 26 18:29:14    <ivazquez> | So we need to talk to the GNOME and/or X people about that one.
Oct 26 18:29:26      <jlaska> | TerryStewart: thanks for the scan code table ... added link to the test plan FAQ (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Display#FAQ)
Oct 26 18:30:08      <jlaska> | ivazquez: how can we capture those thoughts into the test plan?
Oct 26 18:31:20    <ivazquez> | We're going to need to modify Xorg so that it returns a more realistic resolution when it detects a PixelQi display.
Oct 26 18:32:24    <ivazquez> | I mean, she wants to have them out in the wild in Q2 2009, so it's going to need to be done regardless.
Oct 26 18:32:45      <jlaska> | ivazquez: we are currently hand-crafting the xorg.conf for the XO ... are there changes to that still needed? http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git?p=spin-kickstarts.git;a=blobdiff;f=fedora-live-base.ks;h=50522b7a320424ed10021dd0eeb2ba36d2e59ab4;hp=18815fa8379e143cd474dff57f17cff1fa879850;hb=41664a0c2b1d44726f12447b2d663138dd939e64;hpb=92cbd0b8e9d53ff998732f06590bd775cdc12977
Oct 26 18:32:46     <buggbot> | <http://tinyurl.com/5mvqeb> (at git.fedorahosted.org)
Oct 26 18:33:30           --> | finalzone-xo [n=urk@fedora/Finalzone] has joined #fedora-qa
Oct 26 18:33:33    <ivazquez> | I'm not certain.
Oct 26 18:33:49    <ivazquez> | But I don't think that custom end-user config files are the way to go.
Oct 26 18:34:19      <jlaska> | I'm not too worried about how they fix the issues right now, more on how we find them
Oct 26 18:34:21 <finalzone-x> | Luya here. just came back from work.
Oct 26 18:34:33    <ivazquez> | Also, we need to talk to the X people about adding a new antialias mode for Xft that takes the display into account.
Oct 26 18:34:35      <jlaska> | finalzone-xo: welcome!
Oct 26 18:35:05 <finalzone-x> | thanks, I am writing from XO using Xo-chat activity
Oct 26 18:35:07      <jlaska> | finalzone-xo: just talking about the test plan and how we can build this out better https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Display
Oct 26 18:35:28    <ivazquez> | The current subpixel smoothing mechanisms work, but don't take advantage of it.
Oct 26 18:35:38             * | finalzone-xo is checking
Oct 26 18:35:41           <-- | Sonar_Gal has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
Oct 26 18:37:39      <jlaska> | ivazquez: sounds like you have a better sense for the font issues, can you add something to the plan on what/how we can verify those issues?
Oct 26 18:38:04    <ivazquez> | Can do.
Oct 26 18:38:11      <jlaska> | great, thanks!
Oct 26 18:39:28      <jlaska> | ivazquez: not sure if we need a more general section of "Auto-detection: (fonts, resolution, etc..)"  or just something specific around fonts ... you're call
Oct 26 18:40:10      <jlaska> | what sort of applications that ship with the stock Live image do folks think we'll need to test?
Oct 26 18:40:36             * | jlaska thinking along the lines of gnome-display-properties, maybe xrandr?
Oct 26 18:41:09    <ivazquez> | Definitely xrandr.
Oct 26 18:41:14 <finalzone-x> | ditto
Oct 26 18:41:54      <jlaska> | okay, I'll add a section on applications 
Oct 26 18:42:04      <jlaska> | can you guys talk a bit about what w/ xrandr we'l need to check?
Oct 26 18:42:37 <finalzone-x> | rotate screen is one of them
Oct 26 18:43:01    <ivazquez> | Updated.
Oct 26 18:43:30           <-- | bpepple|lt has quit ("Ex-Chat")
Oct 26 18:43:39 <finalzone-x> | What about icons? They appears to be small on menu.
Oct 26 18:44:20 <finalzone-x> | I wonder if these icons can  use SVG instead of PNG
Oct 26 18:45:16      <jlaska> | finalzone-xo: we'll have to stick within the current desktop theme 
Oct 26 18:45:39    <ivazquez> | Once we break out of 1 physical pixel = 1 logical pixel, I think we'll be fine.
Oct 26 18:46:31<finalzone-x> | jlaska: ok
Oct 26 18:48:05 <finalzone-x> | on the  wiki, does vt stand for virtual terminal?
Oct 26 18:48:46      <jlaska> | yeah
Oct 26 18:49:14      <jlaska> | we havne't captured that in the plan yet ... what's a good way to organize that?  (<ctr><alt>F1 and back)
Oct 26 18:50:00 <finalzone-x> | we should specify their equivalent for XO laptop
Oct 26 18:51:34      <jlaska> | yeah I agree ... how to categorize that ... just "Verify changing display modes"?
Oct 26 18:52:22 <finalzone-x> | Yes,  there is no better description I can think of
Oct 26 18:52:54      <jlaska> | okay, added to ivazquez "LCD section"
Oct 26 18:53:43      <jlaska> | okay ... starting to flesh out a bit ... https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Display
Oct 26 18:54:27     <blakesc> | the server is running on vt1 on Snap1, swithing to text on vt2-vt6 and back to X works
Oct 26 18:54:53      <jlaska> | ah right, it's now graphical on vt1 ... oops
Oct 26 18:55:17      <jlaska> | blakesc: can you think of any other display-related applications that we should explicitly test?
Oct 26 18:55:42    <ivazquez> | We should make sure glxgears doesn't blow up.
Oct 26 18:55:55      <jlaska> | hehe, the classic glxgears test! :)
Oct 26 18:56:21     <blakesc> | dunno, xkb stuff, I'm trying to page back in stuff about input methods for CJK, or do we not care about that sort of thing?
Oct 26 18:57:04 <finalzone-x> | I think XO does not have a dedicated 3D hardware
Oct 26 18:57:22 <TerryStewar> | A little bit of firefox testing could be useful too.  I've seen some graphical glitches on firefox on an XO under Ubuntu, but haven't yet been able to replicate them on Fedora
Oct 26 18:57:23    <ivazquez> | Right. But it still shouldn't blow up.
Oct 26 18:57:24     <blakesc> | is there any value in running VSW or does that all happen upstream?
Oct 26 18:58:04      <jlaska> | TerryStewart: perhaps we can capture that sort of stuff under a general expectations section?  No applications should result in screen artefacts, glitches etc.. ?
Oct 26 18:58:09      <jlaska> | VSW?
Oct 26 18:58:10    <ivazquez> | I've seen a GTK+ issue with buttons and pulldowns being solid black.
Oct 26 18:58:21      <jlaska> | ivazquez: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=462531 :(
Oct 26 18:58:23     <buggbot> | Bug 462531: medium, medium, ---, besfahbo@xxxxxxxxxx, ASSIGNED, text of highlighted button in dialog goes black
Oct 26 18:59:03      <jlaska> | okay folks, I'll need to wrap things up on my end
Oct 26 18:59:18 <TerryStewar> | I like that as a general expectation, but it's pretty hard to test that "no" application does so  :)
Oct 26 18:59:28    <blakesc> | jlaska: VSW = the xorg Validation Suite that tests protocol and pixelization and lots more in nauseous detail
Oct 26 18:59:50      <jlaska> | TerryStewart: I agree, would you be able to add a general expectations section to the top of the wiki?  Perhaps we can then just list a set of primary apps that will be tested?
Oct 26 19:00:01 <TerryStewar> | There's a bit of odd font clipping that seems to be happening on mine, and I've seen other reports of that as well
Oct 26 19:00:16      <jlaska> | blakesc: I'm not familiar wit hthat ... no objections here if you'd like to add that to the wiki
Oct 26 19:00:23<TerryStewar> | jlaska: I can put together a list like that
Oct 26 19:00:29      <jlaska> | TerryStewart: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=467762
Oct 26 19:00:30     <buggbot> | Bug 467762: medium, medium, ---, ajax@xxxxxxxxxx, ASSIGNED, Lots of cut-off text when using XO
Oct 26 19:00:35      <jlaska> | TerryStewart: great, thanks!
Oct 26 19:00:57     <blakesc> | I'll add something. Getting VSW set up and running is non-trivial
Oct 26 19:01:03    <ivazquez> | The font clipping seems to go away when you enable subpixel smoothing.
Oct 26 19:01:08<TerryStewar> | jlaska: ah, yes, that's the bug.
Oct 26 19:01:20      <jlaska> | blakesc: perhaps there is a simpler X test that woudl be close?
Oct 26 19:01:48      <jlaska> | blakesc: but that's a great question, are there upstream xorg tests we can use here
Oct 26 19:02:35      <jlaska> | I need to jet soon ... can everyone take a few minutes after the meeting to review the test plan (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Display) and add any missing details
Oct 26 19:02:49      <jlaska> | we'll be using this test plan, and asking other volunteers to use this during the next 2 weeks
Oct 26 19:02:51     <blakesc> | not sure what else there is from xorg. VSW was the end all many many years ago
Oct 26 19:02:58      <jlaska> | okay
Oct 26 19:03:09      <jlaska> | okay, 2 more things to close out on 
Oct 26 19:03:10 <TerryStewar> | One other slightly weird thing to throw in:  I have a USB video adapter: do we think we should include testing that works?
Oct 26 19:03:24      <jlaska> | woah, that's great TerryStewart, yes please add that
Oct 26 19:03:41           <-- | amandy [n=adrian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #fedora-qa ( )
Oct 26 19:03:45      <jlaska> | what time works for folks to meet next and discuss testing status?
Oct 26 19:03:58 <TerryStewar> | I've heard that it can work under ubuntu for XO, so it should be possible..
Oct 26 19:04:32      <jlaska> | do folks want to stick with Sundary @ 6pm, or some other time?
Oct 26 19:05:16     <blakesc> | works for me
Oct 26 19:05:19 <TerryStewar> | That works for me -- I can also do most evenings.
Oct 26 19:05:37    <ivazquez> | I can't guarantee 6pm Sunday.
Oct 26 19:05:46<finalzone-x> | jlaska, I cant at that day.  =(
Oct 26 19:06:00     <blakesc> | monday-friday I can't IRC at work due to firewall. After 8 pm EDT (2200UTC)
Oct 26 19:06:04      <jlaska> | what TZ are folks in?
Oct 26 19:06:18     <blakesc> | EST/EDT
Oct 26 19:06:36    <ivazquez> | Likewise.
Oct 26 19:06:37 <finalzone-x> | PST
Oct 26 19:06:42             * | jlaska +1 on EDT
Oct 26 19:06:55 <TerryStewar> | EDT
Oct 26 19:07:07      <jlaska> | okay, that's not too bad ... only a 3 hour diff
Oct 26 19:08:10      <jlaska> | let's stick w/ next sunday for now.  finalzone-xo, perhaps you can sync up with the team prior to let folks know how your testing is coming?
Oct 26 19:09:19 <TerryStewar> | Sounds like a plan.  I'll put together a list of some basic applications to make sure are displaying correctly and something about the usb adapter
Oct 26 19:09:38 <TerryStewar> | (and put that stuff in the testplan)
Oct 26 19:09:42      <jlaska> | okay and last topic ... team lead, you guys need to pick someone who will represent the status for the team
Oct 26 19:09:48      <jlaska> | TerryStewart: sweet ,thx
Oct 26 19:10:11      <jlaska> | is anyone interested in being the point person for the group?
Oct 26 19:10:48      <jlaska> | the role of team lead is defined at ... https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Fedora10_On_XO#Team_Lead
Oct 26 19:10:53<finalzone-x> | jlaska, sure. I might report earlier. I will be mostly offliine until 7:30p PST
Oct 26 19:11:11      <jlaska> | finalzone-xo: okay
Oct 26 19:12:14      <jlaska> | if no one is interested, we'll have to start putting names in a hat ;)
Oct 26 19:12:17     <blakesc> | I need to run too
Oct 26 19:13:09 <finalzone-x> | well, i may be interested although I don't know all  the xorg stuff
Oct 26 19:13:59      <jlaska> | finalzone-xo: you and me both ;) ... not to worry, I don't expect the lead to know everything, just to know how the team is doing
Oct 26 19:14:50<finalzone-x> | jlaska, fair enough
Oct 26 19:14:57      <jlaska> | Can I put you down as the Display test lead for now?
Oct 26 19:16:08 <finalzone-x> | yes
Oct 26 19:16:23      <jlaska> | very much appreciated!
Oct 26 19:16:48      <jlaska> | okay folks, I think that's it for today
Oct 26 19:16:53      <jlaska> | thanks for a great meeting
Oct 26 19:17:08     <blakesc> | sayonora
Oct 26 19:17:38 <TerryStewar> | See you next time
Oct 26 19:17:40      <jlaska> | we'll catch up next sunday at 6pm EDT  ... please take some time to add your personal stamp to the test plan
Oct 26 19:17:45      <jlaska> | thanks folks!
Oct 26 19:17:56           --- | jlaska has changed the topic to: Fedora QA Forum - For tester and end-user discussion on the quality of fedora
Oct 26 19:18:25           <-- | blakesc has quit ("Quit")
Oct 26 19:18:34 <finalzone-x> | no problem

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