James J Catchpole wrote:
James J Catchpole wrote:
I am not sure if anyone has commented on the
Add/Remove Software function but I find it
almost impossible to use. Following are a couple
of comments:
1) It appears that you can only Add or Remove
one package at a time.
I have filed this one. Still on discussion about what the user
interface should look like. Note that the PackageKit allows you to
queue transactions. So you can install multiple packages without the
UI blocking.
I am unable to figure out how to queue up updates. that
should be the default in any case.
If you're talking about installs rather than updates, Click install, select
another item, click install. It works for me with the latest version of PK in
rawhide. Any other operation that PK performs (update, refresh software list,
etc) should queue in the same way.
From an End User Perspective there should be a section
on the panel that prints out the status of updates as they occur.
More or less as Yum Displays the output as each package is installed.
There should be a section on the panel that lists the queue of
packages being removed, updated or installed.
There is such a list, it is part of the gpk-update-icon tray icon for the gnome
panel (I don't know if it works in KDE?). When clicking on the icon it shows
the current queue of operations, clicking on any one item in the queue shows the
status window for that operation.
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx> www.lordmorgul.net
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