Mike wrote:
Johann B. Gudmundsson <johannbg <at> hi.is> writes:
As is clearly stated both in the Subject and in the first line of the
Fedora 8 updates-testing report <-----
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 8 updates-testing <-----
Followed by package list...
The announcement details I was referring to include for example:
"From: <updates <at> fedoraproject.org>
Subject: Fedora 8 Update: uncrustify-0.43-2.fc8
Newsgroups: gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.package.announce
Date: 2008-03-06 16:40:00 GMT (4 hours and 46 minutes ago)
Fedora Update Notification
2008-03-06 16:16:23"
and a number of others including kernel-
Maybe there has just not been enough time for these to get to the repos
after being pushed.
I know this is the fedora testing list but maybe worth mentioning if
some part of the build/repo systems is behaving unexpectedly?
Sorry for the noise if this is out of order....
We are talking about to diffrent things I thought you were refering to
Fedora 8 updates-testing report that I received to day..
Not Fedora 8 Updates..
And the updates-testing package list has hit the repo..
Actually think it's strange that the updates was announced without the
rpm's being in the repo...
Sorry cant help you there...
Best regards..
Johann B.
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