Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams schrieb:
On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 21:00 -0500, Chris Negus wrote:
I noticed that there is no longer a free download of bootcamp available
from Apple that can be used to set up a Mac to dual-boot with Fedora (at
least I can't find it). Is buying Leopard the only way to get bootcamp?
If so, is there some other tool (preferably open source) to use to do
what bootcamp does?
No, but the x86_64 version shouldn't need Bootcamp since it uses EFI.
"diskutil resizeVolume"
$ man diskutil
$ diskutil resizeVolume
not tested!
# diskutil resizeVolume disk0s2 55G "MS-DOS FAT32" "Windows Partition"
mimimize the mac os partition to 55G and create a new fat32 partition
i do not know if this works
you could evtl. set your date before 2007-09-30 and try to install a
boot-camp beta.
boot camp 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 have different end dates.
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