Matthew Miller wrote:
On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 02:44:30AM +0200, Ronald Warsow wrote:
und ich habe jetzt auch keinen Geist mehr anderen Leuten irgendwelche
Antworten aus dem Kreuz zu leihern !
How do you say "quit being a jerk to people trying to help you for free" in
First of all: this thread is running *unnecessarily* tooooooooooooo
long, I only need simple question on simple answers, that's all.
this is my last statement
I believe that most people on this/other list become often upset, cause
they don't get answers on their questions.
And I can often feel -reading between the line- that they be completely
left stranded without a hint for their problem or better the answer.
that's frustrating and in my view completely diametral to "We need more
tester and tester are welcome/...."
And further I my view, providing a answer stereotype is on one hand a
little bit more than no answer, on the other - esp. when the question is
asked twice, so one should realize that the first answer wasn't very
clear - an "enhancement of frustration".
cause "providing the answer stereotype" is read by me as something
"are you too stupid to ... ?"
to your question:
Why am I sooo stupid to test fedora ?
Isn't it easier for me to fetch 2 releases plus updates each year and
spend my time on sex 'n drug 'n rock 'n roll ?
Why am I sooo stupid to answer on questions which aren't addressed to me ?
Maybe I'm thinking that the addressed person has no time to answer, maybe.
Why am I sooo stupid to fill bug reports, which I can see still open,
when we/you/me are 2 releases further ?
Why am I sooo stupid to spend my time *for free* on those affairs ?
Guess !
more and more thinking on that, I more and more get the impression that
I am *really* an IDIOT !
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