Re: DVD Install of F8T1 failed on Dell Inspiron 860

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Gerald Henriksen wrote:
On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 09:05:09 +0200, you wrote:


My Dell laptop has run various versions of Fedora since purchased in
July of 2004 and F8t1 is the only one to have caused any troubles.

An upgrade from F7 to devel via yum gives a system that will not boot
with the devel kernels, but still works fine with the F7 kernel.
so that excludes the kernel changes FC6 => F7 (irc kernel 2.6.21 => 22), 
esp. HD controller related stuff.
did you compare the initrd's from F7 and rawhide:
- copy them to separate dir and run on each
- zcat initrd-...-bla |cpio -di
- compare, esp. the file init

maybe a handmade vanilla kernel ( could help.
[ even though i can't imagine that there are any anti-dell-option in F-kernels ]
kernel compile and stuff:
chap. 4

So far none of the suggested kernel options have allowed a newer
kernel to boot.


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