On 7/23/06, Jim Cornette <fct-cornette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tom London wrote:
> On 7/23/06, Jim Cornette <fct-cornette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> It sounds like you have the same limitation due to selinux that I have.
>> I added enforcing=0 in grub.conf since the problem is so long without
>> a fix.
>> The problem I believe is related to one of the mesa libraries.
>> Basically, what you are seeing is a system without a windows manager.
>> (compare to program manager in windows)
>> Therefore, all you have is the last application pegged on your desktop
>> in the upper left corner.
>> You could try running 'setenforce 0' in a root terminal and then logout
>> of kde and starting gnome instead. Gnome should start if your problem is
>> related to selinux.
>> Jim
> BTW, rawhide has fixed SELinux issue for a while (at least for me).....
> tom
Have you downgraded any packages or ran any SELinux incantations? It is
still busted when I tested it after your comment that it was fixed in
"Never underestimate the power of a small tactical nuclear weapon."
The only package I downgraded was xorg-x11-xinit from -8 back to -7.
Also moved /etc/X11/xinit/xintrc.d/localuser.sh out of the way.
Otherwise, I think I'm running the latest rawhide packages,
targeted/enforcing, with allow_execmem=0.
Tom London
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