On 11.03.2006 22:36, Giuseppe Castagna wrote:
shrek-m@xxxxxx wrote:
On 11.03.2006 14:18, Partha Bagchi wrote:
Giuseppe Castagna wrote:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh kernel-* [...] (yes, I know I should have used -ivh )
you can use what you want
-ivh = install (add) new kernel
-Uvh = update the kernel(s)
Yes, of course you can -Uvh, so as to erase a working kernel
with rpm an kernel you should think at least 3 times what you are doing
before you execute rpm -Uvh kernel* ;-)
but it is no problem to boot into rescuemode an install a working kernel.
that cannot be found any longer in rawhide,
but in your yum cache.
# du -sh /var/cache/yum/development/packages/
20K /var/cache/yum/development/packages/
# grep keepcache /etc/yum.conf
and i would swear the default is 1
# man yum.conf
Either ‘1’ or ‘0’. Determines whether or not yum keeps the cache
of headers and packages after succesful installation. Default
is ’1’ (keep files)
this is one reason i prefer do download the kernels via `wget -cr ...`
`rpm -ivh kernel*.rpm`
or for yum tokeep=6
and replace it by a kernel you do not know whether it will work and in
this way completely screw your workstation.
this is rawhide :-)
I can just more simply throw the computer from window and hope it will
work again :-)
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