On 27.02.2006 09:38, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
I have just setup a machine solely for the purpose of testing, I shall
append the specs to this post. For now, I have yummed to
updates-released, adn then updates-testing. What do I do as a tester?
I have no familiarity with the processs, just the will to help.
you should know https://bugzilla.redhat.com
you should have a lot of time and a good internet-connection
you should have a good lug=linux user group
you should know how to quote
you should not be a mimosa
you should know rpm, vi, rescue mode, askmethod, interactive mode,
runlevel 3, ... in other words = how to help yourself
you should have a good social environment or a lot of beer
your family/friends should not fall in panic if you are disappeared for
several days behind the internet, bugzilla, man-pages, ...
do not try to explain your windows-users-friends what you are doing and
why you prefer linux over windows
do not try to explain your doctor why you do not know the so called real
time, real date, your real name, real actual news, ...
you should not ask yourself why you are spending such a lot of time for
and with linux for free
you should always have a plan to go back in the so called normal life
but ... what do you want to test ?
- older releases see http://fedoralegacy.org/
rhl7.3 updates
rhl9 updates
fc1 updates
fc2 updates
fc3 updates
- actual release updates
fc4 updates testing
- new release
fc5test3 http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/test/4.92/
+ development
==> fc5
and later fc5 updates testing
- rawhide / development
- next release fc6 ? http://fedora.redhat.com/About/schedule/
fc6 test releaeses
fc6test1 ?
fc6test2 ?
fc6test3 ?
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