Jesse Keating wrote:
On Fri, 2006-01-20 at 15:54 +0000, Tony Molloy wrote:
We have to install Fedora onto several hundred machines twice a year for
our student labs. Now what we normally do is "An Everything Install".
Then we download a script from a server and run it on each machine. This
script installs any extra rpms we need, like java, configures the
machines to our requirements and disables any unwanted services etc.
Fairly simple.
Now without "An Everything Install" we install the default packages. This
will not install many packages from the base repository, for instance the
openoffice language packs or the xorg fonts. We need these because some
of our students will want to use their native language for some purposes.
Also some lecturer will always require some package that's not in the
default install but that he has on his machine. And in general they won't
tell you about this untill after the semester has started ;-(
This problem is easily solved by writing a kickstart script with your
required package set. Is it really that hard to identify what you need?
"everything" as a constant name, whereas it takes quite some effort for
user administrators to discover what the choices are, and those xml
files aren't that easy to read.
If you're complaining about /var/cache space, what do you think will
happen over time with all the updates for all those unnecessary packages
you've installed with everything?
Aren't those easily cleaned after installation?
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